~•Part Seven•~

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I gazed into Noens soft, blue eyes until I heard a familiar voice, which snapped me back into reality "Jay?" Noen questioned as his fingers fell from his hair to his side. "Uh. Yeah" I shook my head and rubbed my eyes as I realised I was staring at Noen for a good minute. He glanced at me as to say 'Wtf just happened'. Fortunately, Noen didn't mention what happened and we started walking. The whole time we walked I couldn't get this unknown feeling to go away. I must admit, I liked it but i didn't know what to do about it. Especially because I felt the same with Lily, I mean I had known I liked both genders but this time I was 100% sure that I was Bi.

When I got home I sat on my bed. Just thinking. Thinking about my feelings, I got quite lost in my head, I couldn't stop thinking about Noen. I had a stronger feeling towards him which hurt because I had seen that his TikTok bio said "16 and yes I like gorls"
He always commented on the fact he was looking for a girlfriend. I hadn't known him long but I've never had a feeling so strong towards a guy. A guy I knew in real life. Natraully, I got up and drifted towards my guitar. I picked it up of the stand and sat back down, placing it on my lap. I started to strum one of my favourite songs 'Roaring 20s by Panic! At The Disco' Brendon Uries music was great.

30 minutes later, I put my guitar back and got my school stuff ready. After I packed my school bag I fell back on my bed, my eyes shut slowly and I fell asleep.

It felt like 5 minutes ago that I was getting stuff for school but then my eyes jolted open, as sunlight pierced through my curtains. I blinked a coupled times and sat up, reaching for my phone. It was 7:30 am. Fuck, I usually left earlier than this, I sprinted to my wardrobe and put on black skinny jeans, Black doc martins and a white baggy shirt that I tucked into my jeans. I also grabbed a leg chain and attached it to my left thigh. I didn't want to wear a necklace today so I grabbed my backpack and threw it onto my back.

20 minutes later, I arrived at school. Just in time. I had Spanish first so I immediately directed myself to my Spanish classroom. Everyone was still waiting outside and that's when I spotted him. Nolan Eubanks. My mind went fucking crazy like I was high or was on something. As I glanced back up Noen was approaching me "I didn't know you went here" Noen laughed "I didn't either" I stupidly said. Honestly, I did not know what I was talking about but thankfully Noen laughed. "Good one. Not sure what to think of this school"
"eh. It's shit if I'm being honest" I replied, we both laughed. We continued talking until the Spanish teacher appeared and hurried us into the classroom.

Disappointment filled me when I saw the teacher place Noen in front of me. The person that sat next to me wasn't in and i don't know but I guess I just liked him. A lot. I rolled my eyes and got my stuff out. The lesson dragged out but me and Noen kept throwing paper at each other, just stupid notes. Mainly, just Noen trying to recreate my drawings.

Authors Note
Hey everyone, so so sorry for not updating you . I hit a very long editors block. I had no inspiration what so ever even though I new exactly what this story was like and what was happening. Thank you for reading I ly all ❤️

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