Chapter 1

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Tigerkit stepped out of the nursery into the cold, crisp air of leaf-bare. She jumped down from the ledge onto the white stuff the Clan called 'snow'. She sank up to her belly. Squealing, she puffed out her fur and waded through the snow to a tree stump near the camp entrance. Hissing, she brushed the snow off the surface off the stump and sat down, watching for the days patrols.

She waited. And waited. And waited some more. Until, finally, the dawn patrol walked in with fresh-kill. Apparently, they'd hunted while they were out to get some prey for the Clan. That was smart of them. She looked around for her friend, Ashpaw. He was a good friend of hers, he was only two moons older than her. She was five moons right now. In one moon, she'd be an apprentice. She couldn't wait! They'd get to see the territory, go to Gatherings, fight in battles, go on patrols...The list was endless! Sighing, she turned her attention back to where the dawn patrol leader, Darkclaw, was reporting to Blackstar. She pricked her ears, trying to hear some of the report.

"And Ashpaw scented some fox near Carrionplace, but it was stale. ThunderClan has been keeping to..."

She didn't hear the rest because something had just shoved her off the stump she'd been sitting on, to the snow drift below. She squealed in surprise as she fell into the drift, hissing and fluffing her fur up as she sank up to her ears in it. The white stuff clogged her ears, filled her mouth, and froze her nose. She paddled her paws into the freezing coldness. Only the tips of her ears showed. Then suddenly, someone grabbed her scruff and lifted her out, then de-snowed her.

She coughed, then turned around to see who the culprit was. A sheepish Ashpaw smiled guiltily at her. She gave him the you-did-not-just-push-me-into-a-snow-drift-then-save-me-from-it-in-less-than-a-minute-without-anyone-noticing look. He hung his head. She swatted his head playfully with her paw. Jumping back up to the stump, she decided she would be like Blackstar and banish Ashpaw from the Clan. She puffed out her chest and began.

"Ashpaw, I hereby banish you from TigerClan. We are ashamed of your treachery and traitorness, and you are banned forever."

She lifted her head high, waiting for his response. He sighed, his tail drooping.

"Okay, Tigerstar, if I must. I'll just go over to WhiteClan and tell them everything..."

He motioned with his ears over where to Tigerkit's mother, Whitesnow, stood watching them. Tigerkit glared at Ashpaw as Whitesnow walked over.

"Tigerkit, what are you doing? Look at you! You've got snow all over, and your fur is ruffled everywhere!"

She sighed and started cleaning it. Tigerkit looked at her mothers soft, white, perfect fur, her long legs and graceful pose, and hoped she would be just like her when she grew up.

"Whitesnow!" Tigerkit complained as Whitesnow washed her messy fur. "Me and Ashpaw were just having fun!"

Whitesnow sighed, gave her a last lick then straightened up and looked at her.

"It's time to come in. Your nose is very pale. I don't care if Ashpaw comes in with you, but just come inside!"

She walked into the nursery. Tigerkit and Ashpaw looked at each other. "You wanna come?"

Ashpaw shuffled his paws and looked at the ground.

"I'd love to, -I really would!- but Mintclaw promised he'd take me out for training..."

Tigerkit sighed. He was always busy now, and the other kits were all older than her, and not much fun to play with. Her own siblings always talked to the warriors and they didn't kick them out. They didn't even seem to mind!

Ashpaw was backing up to where Mintclaw was waiting at the entrance.

"So...Bye? See you later!" Ashpaw quickly bounded off.

Tigerkit stared after him. Would he ever have time? Shaking her head, she walked into the nursery where Whitesnow was waiting.

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