The Explanation and Decision

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"tHe vErY FiRsT UnIvErSe wAs tHe oRiGiNaL AnD ImPoRtAnT FoCaL PoInT Of tHe mUlTiVeRsE. tHiS OnE UnIvErSe eNtErTaInEd aNd wAs iNfLuEnCeD By tHoSe aBoVe tHe cOdEs," Error said.

"Those above the code?" Gaster asked. "They hold sway over the Multiverse?"

"YeS," Error said. "eVeRyOnE KnOwS Of tHoSe aBoVe tHe cOdEs, BuT NoT AcTuAlLy kNoWiNg tHeY ArE SeNtIeNt bEiNgS WhO InFlUeNcE Us."

"Can you name a few?" Gaster asked. "I don't think I know any of them."

"oH, yOu kNoW A FeW. tHeRe's DEsTInY, LuCk, FeAr, KaRmA, aNd ... FaTe. ... iT'S NoT ReAlLy nOtIcEaBlE, bUt tHoSe oF OtHeR AuS ArE HiGhLy iNfLuEnCeD By tHe hIgHeR DeItIeS."

Gaster let those words sink in. He thought about everything in his life so far. Was his life really scripted? Were his sons fated to come into his life? Was he destined to be the Royal Scientist? How much did the deities control of his life?

Then another thought hit him and he looked towards the kid. How much did he know? How exactly did he know all of this? Does the kid know what has happened? Does he know what will happen? So many thoughts raced through his head.

"This is extraordinary... and so hard for my mind to grasp," Gaster said. "It's hard to believe that gods control the outcome of all our lives and what roles we play."

"DeItIeS," Error emphasised. "nOt gOdS, bUt dEiTiEs. ThErE ArE ThOsE On oUr pHySiCaL PlAnE WhO ArE AcTuAlLy gOdS AmOnG Us, WhIlE ThErE ArE MaNy oThEr dEiTiEs aBoVe uS."

"What gods are there?" Gaster asked. "Are they extremely powerful? Are they able to help other AUs in distress if possible? What powers do they hold?"

"tHe fIrSt gOd eVeR CrEaTeD WaS ThE GoD Of cReAtIoN KnOwN As iNk," Error said as he sat on the floor with Gaster following suit. "FaTe HaD GrOwN TiReD Of tHe rEpEaTeD LoOp tHeY LeFt tHe fIrSt uNiVeRsE In. So, ThEy cReAtEd InK tO CrEaTe nEw aUs bAsEd oN ThE VeRy fIrSt. InK WaS ThEiR BeLoVeD ChIlD AnD MeReLy wHiSpErEd wArNiNgS Of tHe lImItAtIoNs oF ThE MuLtIvErSe. LaTeR On, A PrObLeM OcCuRrEd dUe tO FaTe nOt bEiNg fIrM WiTh tHeIr cHiLd. ThE MuLtIvErSe wAs bEcOmInG ToO CrOwDeD To tHe pOiNt iT CoUlD CaUsE ThE CoLlApSe oF It aLl. FaTe, NoT WaNtInG To sCoRn hEr fIrSt aNd fAvOrEd cHiLd, MaDe a tEmPoRaRy sOlUtIoN"

"Did Fate lock Ink away?" Gaster asked. "Or did they destroy half of the AUs themselves?"

"i wIsH ThAt hAd hApPeNeD," Error said with a sigh. "tHaT WoUlD HaVe bEeN A BeTtEr cHoIcE. hOwEvEr, FaTe cOuLdN'T Do tHaT To tHeIr bElOvEd cHiLd. InStEaD, FaTe SaW An iNtErEsTiNg vErSiOn oF SaNs iN An aU, tOoK HiM FrOm hIs hOmE, dEsTrOyEd hIs aU, aNd lEfT HiM In tHe AnTi-VoId wItH No eScApE. tHe wHiTe dRoVe tHe pOoR SaNs cRaZy aS ThIs pLaCe wAs iNfInItE. FaTe YeLlEd, ScReAmEd, AnD ToRmEnTeD HiM AbOuT HiS JoB AlOnG WiTh hOw wOrThLeSs aNd pAtHeTiC ThE SaNs wAs. WiTh nO CoNtAcT Of aNyOnE, aLl tHe vOiCeS He hEaRd, AnD No pLaCe tO EsCaPe, ThE SaNs lOsT AlL Of hIs pAsT AnD FeLl iNtO InSaNiTy."

Gaster listened carefully, but immediately perked up once he heard Anti-void. He was starting to put things together until he remembered what it was the kid was trying to explain to him. What kind of a solution was corrupting a Sans!?

"How does torturing and breaking a Sans equate to the temporary solution to the collapse of the Multiverse!?" Gaster shouts before remembering Error's episodes and lowered his voice. "Why do that to the poor Sans? He did nothing to deserve such torture and pain. He didn't deserve to fall into insanity."

"tHaT Is sImPlY FaTe's nAtUrE. nOtHiNg tHeY SeT Is aLwAyS MeAnT To bE GoOd," Error replied softly. "FaTe Is a cRuEl bEiNg, AnD WhAt tHeY PlAn fOr aNyOnE Is sEt iN StOnE. nOt uNlEsS YoU ArE FaVoReD By aNoThEr dEiTy sTrOnGeR ThAn FaTe, yOu hAvE No cHaNcE In dEfYiNg yOuR FaTe. As fOr tHe SaNs WhO WaS BrOkEn, FaTe uSeD HiM To fOrM ThEiR SeCoNd cHiLd, ThE GoD Of dEsTrUcTiOn kNoWn aS ErRoR. iF I WeRe tO Be mOrE AcCuRaTe oF ThE TiTlE, fOrCeD GoD Of dEsTrUcTiOn."

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