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It came to him in short flashes. Bits and pieces of his missing memory. The ambush came like lightning. Then Chronos was watching everything, like an out of body experience. He saw Nightmare lay him on a bed. Geno and Blue were crying as they tried to heal his shattered body. He heard himself say that he gave up because of the pain he was in. Fresh's mate, Lust, came running in looking panicked. Following close behind was-

"DrEaM!?!?" Chronos shouts as he bolts up. He looked around in panic, not remembering where he was. Those bits and pieces along with the ambush made him think he was in danger. It made him almost forget he wasn't the Error anymore. Almost anyway.

The door quickly opened and a Sans quickly made it to his side. Chronos was about to jump away, but something made him stay put. It was a rather calming feeling that washed over him as his fear and panic melted away.

"Chronos are you alright!?" Pacifist asked. "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare? Do you want to talk about it? It must have been a weird nightmare for you to be screaming out 'dream' for some reason."

Pacifist was well aware of the God of Positivity, but he wasn't sure if Chronos knew him. Not only that, but the kid sounded scared of him, which was giving bad vibes. Why would the kid seem scared of Dream when he's the God of Positivity?

"b-bRoKeN M-MeMoRy," Chronos panted out as he slowly regained his breath and relaxed knowing Pacifist wouldn't attack him yet. "w-wAs a-aTtAcKeD. hUrT BaDlY. fAmIlY TrIeD To hEaL Me. BrOtHeR'S MaTe aNd aN EnEmY CaMe iN. tHeN ... T-ThEn ... wHy cAn't i rEmEmBeR!?"

Chronos looked down at his hands. He should feel really upset right now, but he didn't. He was starting to think that Aftertale or maybe even Pacifist had something to do with it. That memory is important, yet he couldn't remember it. It was so frustrating, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Pacifist got on his bed and pulled Chronos to his side. He felt the kid flinch, but didn't pull away. Pacifist rubbed Chronos' shoulder to help the smaller relax.

"Hey it's alright," Pacifist said in a low whisper. "You're not there. You're here with me. Do you know where you are?"

Slowly, Chronos started to remember. He was no longer in his old Multiverse. He wasn't in his adoptive AU either. Chronos remembered he went to explore the Multiverse of his new home to get his thoughts and worries away from the Royal Gathering. He never expected to meet the counterparts of Stretch, his beloved Blue, and Geno.

"i'm iN AnOtHeR Au," Chronos replies slowly. "i wAs aTtAcKeD. i pAnIcKeD AnD QuIcKlY RaN ToWaRd wHaT I ThOuGhT WaS SaFeTy, BuT WaS AnOtHeR PoRtAl. I WaS BlInD AnD ThE FeAr mAdE Me pAsS OuT."

"Yeah, there you go," Pacifist said with a reassuring smile. "You do remember. You're currently in my room. I found you panicking just before Snowdin."

"i sHoUlD GeT GoInG," Chronos said as he got out of Pacifist's hold and got to the edge of the bed. "iT'S DaNgErOuS FoR Me tO StAy tOo lOnG."

"Wait, you need to rest," Pacifist said as he tried to reach for Chronos. "You're hurt!"

"i'm aLwAyS HuRt," Chronos said as he got to his feet. He side-glanced Pacifist before looking away. "pAiN DoEsN'T MaTtEr tO Me. EvErYoNe cAn hUrT Me aNd pAiN StIlL WoN'T BoThEr mE, bEcAuSe tHe wOuNdS I GeT ArE To pRoTeCt tHoSe i cArE AbOuT. sO I'M GeTtInG OuT Of hErE."

"Why must you leave!?" Pacifist said as he got to his feet, but made no move towards Chronos. "Even if getting hurt is to protect those you care about, why can't you rest to heal!?"

"i cAn't rEsT WhEn i hAvE To dO EvErYtHiNg iN My pOwEr tO PrOtEcT My fAmIlY," Chronos said as he stared at a wall which he knew Geno's window was. "iF My pAiN AnD SuFfErInG KeEpS My bRoThErS AlIvE, tHeN I WiLl cOnTiNuE To eXpErIeNcE ThIs tOrTuRe. ThEy mEaN ThE WoRlD To mE AnD DeSeRvE So mUcH MoRe tHaN ThEiR CrUeL FaTe. I EnDuRe tO ChAnGe fAtE'S DeSiGn. I'M NoT AlOnE, sO We cAn mAkE A DiFfErEnCe."

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