Time Recalls

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"cOmE On, We nEeD To dO It aGaIn," Chronos says as he dragged his father and Sans into the lab. "wE WeRe sO ClOsE! iF OnLy yOu dIdN'T HeSiTaTe lAsT TiMe."

"Chronos what are you talking about?" Gaster asked. "We never done this experiment before! What were we so close to achieving?"

"wE WeRe cLoSe tO TrIgGeRiNg sOmEtHiNg aS I ExPlAiNeD In tHe oThEr pAsT HmM TwEnTy fIvE AtTeMpTs?" Chronos questioned before shaking his head. "aNyWaY, tHiS ExPeRiMeNt iS HeLpInG Me gAgE My tImE PoWeR. i cAn't dIsClOsE AnYtHiNg yEt, BuT I'M ClOsE To fInDiNg aNoThEr aBiLiTy rEgArDiNg tHeSe pOwErS. sO I NeEd tO MaKe sUrE ThAt yOu dOn't hEsItAtE ThIs tImE."

The three of them enter the lab and moved to a room with buttons, levers, and switches that control another room below. Chronos let go of the two and stepped up to the console to set everything up. Sans looked completely lost, but Gaster looked on with curiosity.

"Are you saying we did this experiment already?" Gaster asked his eldest. Once he received a nod, he continued to ask, "Why would I hesitate all those other times?"

"sImPlY BeCaUsE YoU ThOuGhT I WaS GoInG To dIe," Chronos says with a chuckle. "i cAn't dIe. YoU FoRgEt tHaT FaTe wOuLdN'T AlLoW My dEaTh. So iN OrDeR To gEt tHe rEsUlT ThIs tImE, i'm sEtTiNg tHe cOnTrOlS ThIs tImE. aLl yOu hAvE To dO Is sTaRt iT Up."

Chronos finished typing on the console and moved into the test room below. In the middle of the white tiled room were generators with wires and cuff on them. Chronos placed the cuffs around his ankles and wrists while one was around his neck.

"Are you sure about this?" Gaster asked. "These settings are a bit high, and the deration seems too long. Are you sure you can handle this?"

"I'lL Be fInE," Chronos replied. "jUsT StArT It uP. i wAs sO ClOsE To sEeInG SoMeThInG WiTh tHiS PoWeR. tHiS TiMe i'm sUrE ThAt i'lL Be aBlE To sEe sOmEtHiNg!"

Gaster was very hesitant about this experiment. The settings could kill any normal human or monster. Gaster pauses at that word, normal. Something his son, Chronos, was anything but normal.

He was shown the Multiverse, has seen Error, the one in his Multiverse, fight and survive attacks that could kill normal monsters. Chronos was an alternate version of Error, but Chronos definitely had a harsher life. His son has lived through many things and couldn't die. With his appearance, it was so easy to forget that his eldest son was an abused soul given a second chance at a life, a family, a home.

Gaster shook his head and looked towards Sans. He saw that Sans was looking at his older brother funny, but this wasn't the first time this has happened. However, unlike all those other times, Sans body language was different. Gaster saw that his body language was stiff and twitched with anticipation, as if he knew something about what will happen next. Gaster knew that since Sans and Chronos are counterparts, they had a connection that he wouldn't understand unless he asked Chronos about it.

" ... if you say this has happened as many times as you said, I will let this test go through," Gaster said. "However, this is going to be the last test for you then. Is that understood?"

"oF CoUrSe, DaD," Chronos was heard through a speaker on the console. "tHe lAsT TeSt fOr tOdAy. AfTeR ThIs, I'Ll fInAlLy gEt tO SeE A FrAcTiOn oF ThIs nEw pOwEr!"

To say Chronos was excited, was an understatement. Despite the pain, Chronos was extremely curious about his new magic. He's been used to his normal set of magic, other than his strings now having green magic in them to heal. Having new magic means he needs to learn how to control it properly and train again. For Chronos, new magic is a reminder that this wasn't his old life. This means that he's in the present and that he's no longer in the unending cycle of balance.

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