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"She's dying!"
Flying pass other mobiles at maximum speed I hold Phoebe in my arms, as she tries her best to hold onto her life.
"I'm going as fast as I can." Levi grunts through his teeth. It's been a day since we stopped the attack of the Robots. Phoebe collapsed several times so I forced Levi to highjack a mobile to get to our destination faster. That and the fact that our faces are plastered on every billboard hologram.
Well my face.
"Phoebe! Stay with me!" I yell slapping her face. I hold pressure to her injured leg in hopes that the blood will slow down, but it doesn't.
"I'm... awake... I swear Prix."
Prix? She's hallucinating.
"Levi..." I blurt out.
"Damn it." He groans adding more gas. I forget to take his feelings into consideration.
He's on edge just like I am.
"We're almost there okay? You're gonna be fine." I reassure her; not completely sure with myself.
I can't afford another loss, I just can't.
"Luke?" She mumbles trying to keep her eyes open.
"I want Luke." Hearing his name makes my blood boil.
"He's not here Phoebe." I explain tucking her hair behind her ear. I don't know how to feel about Luke. We never got close like he did with Phoebe. Just when we were coming to good terms he turned.
Did he?
The fear in his eyes flash through my mind; a terrified look really. I huff in annoyance.
"Coward." I mumble, nothing but a coward.
"We're here." Levi announces and slowly lands in a discreet area.
Levi and I quickly get out of the car and pull Phoebe out. Goosebumps immediately rise as the unforgiving cold air greets the surface of my skin.
I didn't expect it to be this cold.
"Here." Levi says picking Phoebe up bridle style.
"Get my jacket, it's in the front seat." He orders and I oblige. Throwing the large coat over my shoulders I follow behind Levi who's already on his way.
I wonder how he feels about all of this.
The Robots, The Pexagon, The Keys... me.
All of this could have been avoided if only I opened my eyes.
How could I be so oblivious?
The answers were right in front of me.
Images of dead civilians all ages in the city flood back into my mind, and I can't help the warm tears that stream down my face.
"Erra?" Levi calls snapping me back into reality.
"I'm here." I say but my voice comes out softer than intended.
I'm breaking from the inside out, but I can't let him see that.
I can't let anybody see it.
"Is this the right place?" He asks, stopping in his tracks and waiting for me to answer.
I'm not sure myself.
Is my mother here? How long has she been here? When did she write that letter? Would she still be here?
We stand on top of a hill looking down at what could be our home.
A large vacant warehouse. It's sits in the middle of a plain field that goes on for miles.
"They're up. Look the lights are on." Levi points out shifting his weight.
"Alright then." Is all I say, and without wasting time I begin to walk without looking back. I don't realize how far I've gotten until Levi yells, "Errana!"
Stopping in my track I turn to face him. Not even a second later bright white lights blind me from above, and a swarm of people run out with weapons in their possession.
My heart flys out of my chest and my blood runs cold; as if it wasn't cold enough.
The Pexagon? Have they found us already? How?
I can't move, speak, react. What's wrong with me? I'm pathetic so pathetic.
Levi stands in front of me guarding me from what may happen next.
"Put your hands up were we can see it!" A man shouts across the field. I can see that they're not wearing Pexagon uniform. I can't be to sure though.
"We mean you no harm!" Levi explains stepping forward.
"We were sent here! Our friend-" He starts but is quickly cut off by a familiar voice.
My mother. My mother is here.
"Errana!" I hear her shout. Peeking over Levi I can see her pushing through the crowd of people.
"Errana!" She shouts again, but I can't bring myself to say a word.
"Lower... lower your weapons! That's my daughter!" She orders and they do so. Seconds later her body crashes into mine and she embraces me.
I find myself returning the embrace, and releasing a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Everything around us disappears, and it's just me and her. Which is all I need right now.
She's here.
She's here right in front of me.
The only thing I have left.
Family that is.
She pulls back to examine me. Pulling on my cheeks to check if I'm actually here, and not a figment of her imagination. Water builds up in her eyes daring to spill but she fights them back.
"Your friend." She blurts still holding onto my shoulders.
"Yea she's dying." I mumble stating the obvious.
"Quickly get the M.D!" She shouts looking over at Phoebe. With a wave of a hand a man and women approach us with a stretcher in hand.
No words are exchanged as they place phoebe on the stretcher, and carry her towards the warehouse.
"She'll be okay Erra. We'll take good care of her." My mother reassures me looking me dead in the eyes. When I don't speak she looks to Levi then back at me.
"It's freezing out here let's get you two settled." She decides and begins to lead the way. Who is she? Who are all of these people? Is she their leader?
I look to Levi who is already staring down at me with a mixer of intensity and worry in his eyes.
"Come on." My mother beckons us and we follow behind her.

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