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A storm is coming I can feel it.
"Last group Mara and Levi." Nia announces. I look over to Mara who's already making her way to the trucks.
Was it the rebellions that took Errana?
Did Edith finally make her move? "Levi move it." Nia shouts and I ignore. "Francis!" I yell. "Francis!"
She turns around; tears daring to spill.
"Um.. where do you think she might be? Have you found any leads yet?" I ask, knowing there's a high chance that's there's not. "No... just look around nearby. That's the best we can do right now." She walks away, leaving me with more questions than I started with.
"Levi lets go!" Mara shouts. In the truck, I begin to drive off, but the ringing noise blares through my ears. I turn off the truck and cover my ears. It's the same ringing form before, but even louder this time. I turn to Mara who is also being affected by the deafening sound. Once our ears begin to bleed the ringing stops. "What the hell was that!" I yell; I can barely hear myself. Mara's to occupied trying to catch her breath to answer.
"Go! Just go Levi." She sighs and drops her head. We pull off in silence, and begin our search. "What was that?"
"It's... it's Francis. She set up a system."
"I'm gonna need a better damn explanation." I demand gripping onto the wheel. There's no sign of Errana yet not even a clue. And the heavy rain that just decided to fall isn't making it any easier.
"When Francis opened The Reform to others she set up this system. It's for intruders. So she knows who's with and secretly against her. The people that hear it are traitors, and the ones who don't-"
"Aren't I get that, but how? And why do you here it then?" I cut her off.
"When you first enter you're supposed to get injected... with some pin or whatever. Nobody was informed on what it was for though. She never gave it to you guys because you came with Errana."
"Yea and what about you?"
"I don't trust her alright! Never did... Ian insisted that he should have it, but I didn't want it. Can't trust a damn soul... anymore." She looks away, and if I didn't know any better I'd think she's about to cry.
She's right though. I don't trust Francis either, and I'm not surprised I'm not the only one. "Francis is bullshitting us." Mara blurts unbuckling her seatbelt.
"She's buying time. Errana's isn't anywhere in this city- stop the truck." She demands and I do. "What are you talking about? Mara wait!" She jumps out of the car, and begins walking down the street. "Where are you going!"
"It should be around here somewhere." She mumbles walking into an alleyway.
"What is? Answer me God damn it!"
"It's Errana!" She yells wiping her soaked hair from her face. She's about to walk away, but I grab her arm.
"What about her!"
"The Pexagon! I knew she was going, I felt it alright! I didn't really think she would." She has to be lying.
"She wouldn't leave without telling me." I blurt, but I'm only hoping it's not true.
"Levi sometimes we don't know people as well as we think we do." The rain pours down even harder. I swear the world is against me. "So then what are we doing here!" I shout pushing her back. "Levi you need to relax! This is one of the hideouts from the rebellion."
She's about to reach for the door, but quickly decides against it. "What is it?"
I ask moving closer. "Do you hear that? That beeping noise?"
"No... no I don't." I can't hear anything over this rain. "Levi run! It's a bomb run!" She yells running past me. The doors to the hideout swing open, and out runs Nia and Ian.
"Go! Get out of here it's about to go off!" Nia yells and I do so. There's to much going on right now to form a single thought. I barely make it around the corner when the bomb goes off.
"They know! God damn it they know!" Nia shouts kicking a wooden crate.
Who? The rebellion? The Pexagon?
It seems like with every day that goes by a new secret is formed, but no answers are given.

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