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"Levi can you just stop for a second and think!"
"Levi stop!" Phoebe and Jai have been trying to talk me out of storming into The Pexagon for at least an hour now.
"Why can't you two just step back and watch like Mara." I say, without turning around. She's only called me an idiot once.
"Because we're not as cold hearted as her!" Phoebe shouts yanking on my arm.
"Yeah I'm so cold hearted." Mara rolls her eyes and stands. "Listen you want to go, go then I won't stop you. I'm just telling you right now... the moment you step a foot in that place you will die."
Something I've heard already.
"They linger I wait, there's a higher chance of her being dead."
"No there isn't." Phoebe pulls my arm again. When did she get so strong?
"I swear she's not dead, plus Luke is there." She says, which only makes matters worse.
"Yea like that makes it any better!" I shout.
"Gosh Levi get out of your head! She's not dead! Edith doesn't even work like that. What she really wants is a war."
Phoebe starts pacing back and forth.
"Yea like the bombs ri-"
"That wasn't her." Jai cuts me off.
"What?" Phoebe stops pacing and folds her arms.
"I've worked with Edith long enough to know that bombs aren't her style."
He stands and mimics Phoebes crossed arms.
"So then who did it?" Phoebe blurts. Jai keeps his eyes on me, and slightly nods so I can understand what he means.
The rebellions.
"You know we can see you right? You might as well just say it." Mara demands, standing up.
"The rebellion."
"What? That Red Eye crap!" Mara throws her hands up.
"You know about it?"
"Yes Jai, are you forgetting I'm related to a big mouth." Jai nods, and sits on the bed. "I'm so confused." Phoebe sighs.
"Confused about what?" Francis walks in, and we all fall silent.
"Um that Erra left to The Pexagon... with telling anyone." Maras quick mouth saves us from Phoebes lame cover up.
"It's good you bring that up. I came over to tell you all that she didn't leave."
"What are you talking about?" I push, folding my arms.
"What I meant to say is that she didn't leave on her own will."
"Told you!" Phoebe blurts.
"It was Evens." She shakes her head, takes a step back. I part of me is relieved that she didn't leave on her own, but the other half is raged.
"How?" Mara asks, just as confused as the rest of us.
"Edith of course... always being one step ahead." Phoebe scoffs and says, "yea no shit. One step is an understatement."
"So now what huh? You don't seem stressed in the slightest bi-"
"Because I know my daughter... and I know Edith. We have time. What we need to do is regroup, rethink, and prepare for a revolution." She stares us down until we all agree, then leaves in silence. I guess she's right. If Edith wants a war, that's what she'll get.

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