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I'm not giving up. It's what she wants. I've been starring out the window for hours. Starring into invisible flames that burn this cities core. I feel horrible, but not as horrible as yesterday. My throat's extremely sore. Every time I threw up they started the process over. The numb feeling that comes with it all it's like no other. "Did you get any sleep?" Luke asks. I don't even bother to answer, it hurts to much. I haven't been able to close my eyes at all. Not after I saw Levi.
How long has he been here?
Did she bring him out just to teach me a lesson?
"I'll take that as a no." I don't turn to look at him, but I can here him sit on the bed. He's here earlier than usual.
"You're probably thinking about Levi right?" No answer, but he's right.
"Well that's why I'm here early... figured you'd want to see hi-"
"Why are you doing this?" I mumble.
It's silent for a moment, but he finally says, "Because I'd like to believe that if the roles were reversed... you'd do the same for me...and I really hate Edith."
He's right I would've done the same.
"You didn't have to run."
"I didn't run. I knew she would do something like this. I even told you, but what's done is done." He's right, he did tell me. But if I didn't shut off The Key, even more blood would be on my hands.
"I'm I gonna to see him or what?" I flip the subject, and wait for Luke to lead me to his cell. Two guards are standing post in from of it. "Yea things didn't go to well." Luke mumbles. "What do you think your?" One of the guards speak up. "Cut the bullshit. I'm making your life easier." The three stare at one another for a moment, but it works. They move aside, and allow us access. "You've got five minutes." Luke unlocks the door, and walks in. I stand behind him, and peek over his shoulder. "What do you wan-Errana?" Levi stands from his bed, and walks over to us. Luke steps out of the way, and I don't waste another moment. Colliding with Levi's chest I break into small sobs.
"Yep you're welcome. I only risked my life."
"Thanks." Levi and I say in unison. He pulls away to look at my face.
"I'm sorry." Is all he says before pulling me back into his arms.
"We're gonna get you out of here I promise. It'll be over soon... it'll all be over soon." I can only hope. My future right now doesn't seem to bright. "Alright love birds... Erra you have to go." Luke speaks up.
I don't want to go. I ignore and hold Levi tighter. "Don't make this any harder then it already is." He speaks up again, and I pull away.
"I promise." Levi repeats cupping my cheeks. He takes a moment to look at my face, then presses his lips against mine. Like it's the last time. It's not. Everything with be okay. I try to convince myself, but I know I'm just running from the truth.
"Alright I have to go." I mumble, pulling away. "I'll see you soon." I don't want to see him soon. I want to see him now and on. "Erra come on." Luke quickly pulls me out of the room, and I'm glad he does. If I stayed in there for another second, I wouldn't be able to leave.
The room is silent when we enter, but once Edith spots me the whole mood changes. "There's the super star!" She smiles and throws her hands up.
Ignoring I take my place in the chair, and stay silent. "You know... you almost died yesterday. Good thing we pulled you out after we got great data. It's seems you just love to save everyone, but I wonder... can anyone save yourself? Good luck."
The cuffs lock on, and the process begins. I don't even bother telling myself it's not a dream. Instead I wonder about what will happen this time.
I wake calmly to the sound of a bell; a school bell. Everyone exits class, leaving me and my teacher behind.
"I'm surprised you're usually the first one out." She chuckles.
"Mrs.Kingsley?" My second grade teacher? Did she change grades?
She laughs this time. "Yes? Did you sleep that deep today?" I shake my head, and frown. The class is decorated like a second grade class. ABC's on the wall, the same books, the same colors. She always said that the brighter colors, the longer we'd pay attention. She said that when she was alive.
"Go on now I have a home to tend to." She smiles; a smile as warm as the sun.
Without another word I exit the classroom. My first instinct is to look for Eli, but he's nowhere to be found. Exiting the school completely, I wait out front and admire my surroundings. It's just like home. The same markets, everyone minding their own business, everything running it'd course.
"Errana!" A man shouts, but it's different. My head snaps forward to see the one and only; Vernon Paxton.
"It can't be." I whisper shaking my head. He smiles; a smile so wide you'd think it's stuck.
"Dad?" I can't believe it, in the flesh my father stands before me.
"Yes kiddo who else." His laugh comes straight from his heart, and out into the air. "Your mother had work, and I promised to pick you up." I'm still lost for words.
"Dad?" I repeat.
"Are you crying?" He laughs again ruffling my hair. I didn't even realize I was crying. He cleans my tears, and pulls me into his arm.
"Are you that happy to see me?" He smiles, and I nod about a thousand times. "Come on what do you want to do today? We can go get..." He continues to talk about how he's hungry, how we should get pizza, and something else. If I'm honest I'm to focused on the fact that he's actually here, to even listen to what he's saying.
"Look we can stop to the market before we go to my mobile." He points at the market, and I follow him. While he orders I take it upon myself to flip through channels on the screen that comes with the tables. I land on the news, and listen closely to see if I can figure out what's going on. "Police still investigating to burglary that occurred just a few months ago at The Pexagon. Some believe it to be Main Cities biggest threat The Vipers. Stay-"
"Errana come on." My dads already by the door holding a box of pizza.
"Smells good doesn't it?" I nod, and he smiles.
"Pizza's my favorite." We both blurt in unison; making both of us laugh. Once we get into his mobile, I can't help but think about the news. Why were they discussing a topic that happened a while ago? They were definitely talking about my father and Ramon.
"I want to talk you some where." I father declares.
"I'm thinking it's going to be a surprise." He nods to himself, and we fly off.
It isn't until I notice what he's wearing that something clicks. An olive green top, black cargos, same ring, the same leather jacket my mother bought him, and The final Key around his neck. The same Key he gave to be right before he-
"I need to stop home for some-"
"No!" I blurt turning the wheel.
We can't go home.
"We can't go home. W-we can't." My hearts beating so loud I can hear it.
He can probably hear it too.
"Alright... alright no home." He chuckles.
Today is the day. The day my father dies. I remember now. He was going to take me somewhere, but had to go home, and I let him. Not this time, not again.
The ride is long, but I enjoy every moment down to the last second of it.
Singing along to old rock music, I pretend to know the words to. Sneaking a pepperoni off a pizza when I can. And just starring at him, starring at the man who I lost. At the man who didn't get to raise me. "What?" He nudges my shoulder, and I chuckle.
"Nothing... just trying to read your mind old man. I wanna know where we're going." I never got to experience this. So to be here again is more than I could ever ask for. "We're here." He smiles, and pulls over. "The beautiful mountains of Texas." He explains, still holding his smile. I've never seen mountains before. Only in videos, or in books. "Come on we have an hour before the sun sets." I follow his every moment, and sit on top of his mobile.
"A slice for you and- hey did you eat my pepperonis?" I can't help but burst into a fit of laughter. "Silly kid." He ruffles my hair again, and I don't even bother to fix it. "It's so far away." I mumble, taking a bite of my pizza.
"Yea can't get to close. The natives live in there... it's their territory." He explains. I've never met a native in person. They always keep to themselves, but I don't blame them. It must be cool living in a mountain.
"You're mother's native." I stand incorrect. "No way!" I must sound like a child. He laughs and nods. "She caught me trust passing." He looks at the mountains, and relives every moment.
"Did you meet her mother? How was she?" He smiles to himself.
"She was something." He laughs.
"Very on edge but extremely wise. She was very cautious of me."
"And her dad?" I blurt, taking out another pizza.
"Never really saw him... there was this one man though, he was odd. Had this symbol on his forearm, but I think it was a family crest." He explains. Symbol on his forearm? I shake my head at the thought. We stay quiet for a while, and enjoy the beauty of silence.
"How are you?" He asks, and it's like I'm no longer a kid. Should I tell how I truly feel? Does he know?
"I'm not okay." I blurt. "I'm fighting this consistent battle with myself... a-and I hate it. It's like I know what's good for me, but something deep down in me knows that if I fix it... there'll be nothing left to fix. It's like I'm afraid to be free. I know I can be happy a-and move on, but I can't help but kill myself over things that have past... even if it's not my fault. Every time I try to fix things life just turns on me. And it's funny because it seems like everyone around seems to know me more than I know myself. They seem to know about the hell coming my way, but don't tell me. N-now I have all the blood on my hands! Now I look like the monster! A-and I d-don't know what to do!" I can't keep myself from sobbing. "I- I can't do it anymore. I- I can't go back!" I cover my face, and try my best to hold back the rest of the tears. My father waits for me to calm down then says, "You're right... you can't. You can't go back. You can't take it back... go back it time. What's done is done. Yea you've got blood on your hands, or so it may look, but you couldn't save those people. Think about the people that you did save eh. About the lives you can save. Life... life is a... it's a bitch. Don't tell your mom I said that. Life's it's going to lie to you, frame you, beat you up, stab you in the back, chew you up and spit you right back out. That's just what it does, but... but it also love, and looks out for you, fights with you, stays loyal to you, watches over you. No matter what you'll get both, but it's up to you." He pokes my foreheads, and smirk. "It's up to you though. It's up to what you want more out of life. Do you want the Ying or the yang? There's always going to be battles that you don't want to fight. Even the battles in your head. Those ones are the worst, but once again it's all up to you. Your life is all up to you." He's completely right.
"I love you." I whisper resting my head on his shoulder.
"I love you more kiddo." He pulls me into is arms, and we watch as the sun melts behind the clouds. Coloring the cirrus clouds pink with a hint of burnt orange, and the sky a calm blue. I can stay here forever.
Do bad the full moon takes over the sky, and we make our way back home.
"Race you up stairs!" I yell. I love making everything a race, especially when I have a head start. My father laughs, and tries to push past me. We end in a tie, and stop to catch our breaths. "That's odd." He says facing the door. "What?"
"It's unlocked." A cold chill runs down my spine. This can't happen. Can it?
"Stay behind me." He whispers holding his arm out. "Vernon you finally decided to show."
"Ramon." Quickly I flick on the lights, and watch history repeat it's self. Just slightly different, because of the choice I made.
Ramon with the same two men, ready to attack. I don't realize they're talking until my father yells, "Errana get down!"
I don't though. "No." I mumble.
"Errana get down!" He shouts again, but I ignore. He said life is all about choices. "You took a bullet for me that day... now it's my turn." Are my final words before jumping in front of him, and taking every last bullet.
"Stop!" I shout. I'm back back to my reality. "She did it!" Edith claps. "We have all we need." Her smile reaches from ear to ear.
"Go to hell." Are the only words I can think of, but she laughs. "Oh if only we weren't living in it."
"I'm I free now? You've got want you've wanted." She looks around as if anyone would give a damn.
"Free?" She scoffs. "That's all out of my hands now, and in the courts. Take her back to her cell. You better hope you have some allies." She walks away, and I'll I can think about is yanking her back. It would only make matters worse. She's sending me to court. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse.

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