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I can feel the slight warmth of the sun on my skin, putting me at ease. The bed feels different, the smell of my room is different, even the sounds. Slowly, I open my eyes to piece things together, only to remember I'm still in hell. My heart leaps out of my chest once I realize I'm in the medical room. The bombs, the freaking bombs. I want to scream, but I turn to the side of my bed, and begin to throw up instead.
"Woah, woah, woah It's okay, you're fine." The sound of Levi's reassuring voice calms me, just a little. He pulls my hair back, and kicks a garbage bin under me.
"Thanks." My voice comes out hoarse, and I plop back down on the hospital bed. Which only sends pain coursing through my body.
"You're feeling like shit huh?" Levi asks, he tries to smirk, but I can see in his eyes that's he's serious.
"Shit is an understatement." My eyes wonder to the bandage wrapped on his shoulder. "Are you-"
"I'm okay." He cuts me off. I know he's not, but he would never let me believe that, so there's no reason to fight back.
"How long has it been?" I ask readjusting the sheets.
"Just a were out cold."
"Nothing new. Where's Phoebe? Have you seen my mother ?" The questions fly out of my mouth, one on top of the other. He hesitates for a moment then says,
"No... I haven't actually. Not since the bombs no, and Phoebe she should be coming any-"
"Is she a- Errana!" Phoebe bursts through the doors, and rushes towards the bed. "You look like... woah." She says, shaking her head. I want to laugh, but I know it would hurt.
"Um excuse me it's my turn." She forces Levi off of the chair, so she can take a seat.
"You look just fine. Where you not here when they went off?" I ask trying my best to sit up.
"No, I wasn't. We came during the middle of it."
"We?" Levi butts in, folding his arms.
She sighs and rolls her eyes at him.
"Yes you're favorite people, Nia and Mara. They had to do some business." She says sarcastically, throwing up quote signs. "After that we just went around to different markets, but when we heard the bombs we came straight here." She explains sitting up right.
"Oh... how does it look outside? Have you seen my mother?"
"Well...everything looks like... it looks like-"
"It's completely destroyed." Levi cuts her off, as she loses brain cells trying to find the right word.
"Anyway...Yes I have seen your mother. Although she's been pretty low key. Speaking of her, she told me to bring this." Phoebe pulls out a small tube filled with clear liquid.
"It's healing spray. She said to use it on your injures. Also there's a meeting, so when you're done we'll go. I'll wait outside." She places a kiss on my forehead, playfully hits Levi, and exits the room. As I'm about to apply the spray Levi steps up and says, "Wait let me do it. I've always wanted to see how these things work." Levi stares at the spray, like a child with a new toy.
"Here." I pass it to him, and lie down. After each spray he places a kiss on the wounded area.
"Woah.. you see what I did." He says sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood.
"No you didn't." I chuckle, ruffling his hair.
"The spray did that."
I really love this side of Levi. With each day it seems as if he's slowly letting his guard down.
Once he's done, he helps me off the bed and out of the room.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Phoebe smiles; she's always smiling.
"Yea." Levi says and takes my hand. They weren't kidding, the building looks horrible. Everything mostly burnt, water leaking from pipes, broken ceilings and walls, and the only thing providing light at the moment is the sun. The worst part is the dead bodies that lie on the ground, covered with white sheets. "I know it's-" Phoebe starts, but is cut off but a loud shrinking noise. I cup my ears, but it doesn't help. The noise is so loud, I can't even hear myself think. Phoebe and Levi fall on their knees from the excruciating ringing, but it doesn't seem to affect anyone else. A couple people run over to help us, but it doesn't help anything. The ringing stops abruptly, and I yell out in pain.
"Hey! Hey are you guys alright!" The voice is distant, but I know it's Ian.
I clean the blood that begins to drip from my ears, and stand up straight. Levi walks towards Ian and grabs him by the collar.
"What was that?" He grunts through his teeth.
"What was what?" Ian pushes his chest. "Levi wait." I walk over to the both of them, and push them apart.
"Did you not just hear that?" I ask, the look on his face answers my question. "Hear what? Why are your ears bleeding?" I turn to Levi and shake my head.
"He didn't hear it, nobody did." I mumble cleaning off the remaining blood. Mara walks up and I notice that she has blood dripping from her ears as well.
"Ian lets go." She demands holding onto his arm.
"Wait no, wait for them." He says pulling away from her grip.
"For them? For all we know she's probably the reason why this happened." Mara spits out and I want to blow up, but I don't have it in me. Phoebe steps forward but I grab her hand. "Don't... it's not worth it." I say, not breaking eye contact from Mara.

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