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I spent the remainder of the day away from the crowd. Trying my best to avoid everyone as much as possible. To my luck it works. Like a shadow in the dark I went unnoticed. I stayed in the shower longer than intended, but as soon as I started to think to much I left. I've decided to do some exploring for myself. The halls are dim and narrow; The deeper you get into the building, with a small amount of light the shines through the window. I've come across a few rooms nothing intriguing though. Searching for something new, I noticed two teens about my age walking out of a room with books.
A library? There's a library? I walk to the door they exited from, and the room practically pulls me in like a magnet.
It's not as big as I thought but it'll do.
I was never a big fan with books in school, but if it had to do with science or past wars specifically aircrafts I was all in. In fact we didn't even have actual books. Everything nowadays is on the Com or tab. My father had a few hard copies of science and history.
His books were old almost ancient looking. I chuckle at my thoughts. Running my fingers along the wooden shelves my eyes stop on an army green book. I pull it off the shelf and place it on a desk. It's fairly large with black words engraved in front.
"The beginning of the end." I read out, I'm guessing it's about the war, and how it started. My eyes scan over the book and land on the writers name.
"Paxton?" Paxton it says. On the bottom written in gold. There's probably like a million other Paxton's. I shake my head at the thought of me having any other family members, other than my parents. I'm about to open it but a male voice startles me.
"I see you're still into books." I drop the book and turn to see Jai. A nervous expression sits on his face as he stands before me.
"Leave me-"
"No Errana." He cuts me off and grabs my arm, as I try to leave the room.
"What? What is it that you want!" I shout stepping back. It takes him a moment, but he finally says, "For you to hear me out."
"No absolutely not!" I try to leave once again but he holds me back.
"Five minutes... please five." The look in his stormy grey eyes almost break me.
"Woah you begging? Never thought I'd see the day." I sigh pulling my arm from his grip.
"Errana I'm serious." He runs his hands through his hair and sighs.
Something changed in him, but I can't put my finger on it.
"Fine... five minutes nothing more." Sadly I give in and take a seat on one of the desks. He walks over to me and stands close, a little to close.
"Errana... I- I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize! I don't want to hear that. Just why? Why did you send me back?"
"Errana I-"
"No!" I cut him off again.
"You knew about this place! You were working with my mother Jai! And You never told me! Instead you drugged me and sent me back to The Pexagon! Why? Why whould you do that! I killed people Jai! Even if they were horrible people I killed them!" I'm sobbing now.
"And while I live with the blood on my hands, you stayed here safe and protected by my own mother! What the hell is that huh? You c-could've brought me here! Y-you-" I can't breathe, can't see. He grabs my arms and pulls me into his chest, and as hard as I try to fight him he doesn't let go.
"Errana I had no choice." He whispers as I begin to calm down.
"I tried to bring you here but your mother pushed against it. She wanted you to go to The Pexagon. It's was almost like she needed you to." He explains caressing my hair.
I know she told me she had a feeling all of this would happen, but she was working with Jai even before I got caught. He tried to save be though, or is he lying?
"I know you're thinking I probably should've taken you to another place. I tried; when you were drugged I took you in a separate van but I got caught. I had to leave you and run here, or Edith would've kill me." He explains, I don't remember any of it though.
"You were knocked out from the drugs. Look at me Errana." He says cupping my cheeks and bringing my face up to look at him. He cleans my tears and presses his forehead against mine. I know this isn't right, but being with him right now brings me some sort of closure.
"I hate you." I whisper knowing I don't mean it. He chuckles and surprisingly I do too. Before anything else can happen a loud crash sounds behind us. We both snap our heads up to see Phoebe frozen in the doorway, with books books scattered on the floor.
"Oh shit...I'm I interrupting something!" She asks but the sarcasm in her voice is strong. Clearing my throat I get off the table and wipe my face.
"N-no." I mumble walking past Jai, without giving him another look.
What was that? We were so close to falling back into old habits. I was going to allow it.
"No freaking-"
"Don't." I cut her off before she can bash me. She puts her hands up in defense and shakes her head.
"I didn't see that coming honestly." She chuckles as we walk back down the hall.
"Errana Paxton playing with the bro-" She stops herself before she can say what I already know.
" I'm not and I already know... that they're brothers." I sigh slowing down my pace so she can catch up.
"Oh so how do you know Jai?" She wiggles her eyebrows and nudges my shoulder.
"It doesn't matter Phoebe."
"Oh I think it does considering the fact that you're with his brother." She chuckles.
She's really finding this funny.
"We went to high school together."
"And got close."
"How close?" She presses, pulling her hair into a ponytail.
"Oh shut up." I blurt shaking my head.
"Okay so you guys used to date?"
"Hook up?" Why is she being so annoying right now? I don't want to fully admit it so I sigh, and hope she gets the message.
"Woah." She laughs out.
"Okay anyway, how was your day?" I quickly change the subject, before she can pick at me any further.
"It was good actually. Ian's really annoying but Nia she's... really nice." She smiles looking away. I don't even want to know. As we walk out of another hall, I stop in my tracks as Levi walks up to us. He looks between Phoebe and me then back at Phoebe.
"Can I-"
"Oh okay, I see." She clears her throat, and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. As she limps away Levi shakes his head, and walks closer to me. "Can we talk?" He asks pulling at his fingers. A sudden wave of nervousness comes over me, and all of a sudden I regret wanting to talk.

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