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The day is going by slower than expected. I keep expecting to see her. That she'll walk right through the doors, with that worried look on her face she always makes. She doesn't though, and the gap in my chest grows. We've been training the whole day. Rotating and preparing for this so called war with Edith. Would this have happened if Errana didn't go missing?
Is Francis the one who's really itching for war.
"Alright let's break for lunch!" Mara shouts, and the room clears. I can't help but think about what they're doing to her.
"Hey Levi come on." Phoebe mumbles rubbing my back.
"How did you know?" I ask. I probably look hopeless.
"Know what? About Luke?" I nod, and she sighs.
"He didn't turn his back on us. He stayed at The Pexagon as an inside voice. He's um... he's been updating me on what's going on." She explains, and I don't know why, but I feel angry.
"So what you knew she was going to get kidnapped!"
"No! I didn't know anything about that. All I know is that Edith is planing something even worse than The Robots."
"Something like what?" Edith is psychotic. What can be worse than The Robots?
"I don't know. Neither does Luke."
"Well then he's not much-"
"He's doing his best to keep her alive alright!" She shouts.
"I get you you're going crazy over her being gone... well s-so am I. We're gonna to get her...I promise."
I know she's right.
I just can wait any longer. I can't stand here, and let another hour go by.
It's dinner now, and I haven't brought myself to eat a thing. The energy is completely different. Everyone's more on edge, quite, melancholy. Even when she was here things were on edge, but one smile from her changed everything.
Now that's gone. Before I can decide I walk out the dining hall.
I can't feel this anymore. If I sit around them any longer, I'm gonna to drive myself crazy.
"Levi!" I turn around to see Jai running towards me.
"I'm not leaving I-"
"Go." He cuts me off.
Go? Is he serious?
"Go? What are you talking about?"
"Go and get her. You're wasting time here. So I'm telling you to go... to The Pexagon. I can feel your pain Levi, so go." He throws me his keys.
Finally someone on my side.
"My mobile's by the engineer section. Go before anyone sees!" He demands, and I do so. I run across the field, without a plan, without a thought. The fact that I can die doesn't hit me until I get into his mobile, but it doesn't matter. I just need to see her. Even if it's the last time.

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