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It's been almost four hours, but a lot has been done. All of the rooms are destroyed so I couldn't take a nap.
"Hey Erra where's lover boy?" Phoebe asks rolling up her sleeves. I chuckle at the ridiculous nickname and say, "He left about an hour ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice." She laughs and gets back to work. I can't help but think back to what Nia said in the so called meeting. I know they're keeping something from me. Were they talking about The Pexagon? If so why wouldn't they just say it? And why would The Pexagon attack now? It's almost been a week since the Robots. If Edith really wanted me she would've had me already. Or maybe it was her; Eli called me right before the bombs dropped. He was worried and scared, but about what?
He said he was sorry, but there's no way.
There's no way he would've snitched to Edith. What would he even be doing with her? Maybe he's alone, maybe his parents died during the attack I caused. The thought sickens me. I need to call him and get answers.
"Phoebe I'm going to take a break." She nods and I walk out back. Quickly I dial Eli's com, but it goes straight to voicemail. There's no way, there's just no way. I keep trying to remind myself, but Eli was the only person I gave the address to. "No." I mumble. He wouldn't, I just know he wouldn't. I can trust him. If you gave him the address then why didn't he call you then? My conscience fights me. Why didn't he call and ask where to meet. He lied remember. Was he even your friend?
You can trust him. He was a Viper, sent to be your friend remember? Was he a Viper? Head versus heart a war I can never win. Fourteen dials in and still no answer.
This can't be happening. A strange feeling runs through my body, and I quickly look up. Someone's staring at me, I can feel it. Slowly I look around to find Dr.Evens just watching me from a far.
"What the-"
"Errana!" Phoebe shouts pulling me back to life. Thankfully she doesn't realize the state I'm in, or maybe I'm just doing really well at hiding it.
"Come on we need help moving the bunks to one of the main halls!" She shouts, and before I can answer she's back inside.
"Okay."'I mumble to myself. Where's Levi when I need him.

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