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It's been at least three days now. Three days at The Pexagon, and no one has come to save me. No form of contact, nothing. Have they given up on me? Was the dream real? I passed out in the shower last night. Luckily Luke noticed, and helped. I don't know how much longer my body can take this. Looking in the mirror I trace the bruises that stain my skin, and the bags that weight down my eyes. I no longer look like myself. Like the Errana I was just a few weeks ago. Running through alleyways with her best friend, skipping school, laughing, trying to get justice for her father. It all seemed so easy then. I never thought my life would hold this much secrets, or ever come to this. I kiss the ring my mother gave me, and pray that soon I'll be set free. "Erra." Luke walks in with a glum expression resting upon his face.
"Who died?" I try to be funny, but it doesn't work. I know he's upset that I'm not eating. "I know I look horrible... but it's okay." I lie. I have absolutely no energy left. There's a high chance I can die today. Luke shakes his head, and wraps his arm around my waste. "Nothing to say huh?"
"I've said enough, but you're to stubborn." The rest of the way is silent.
There's something else on his mind. I know it. Third and maybe last time in this chair. Edith stares at me, but it slowly turns into a glare. "I don't know what game you're playing, but you better be up for this." Is all she says, before hell starts. It's all a dream, it's all a dream, it's all a-
"Mayday mayday! Cali 2442 is down! I repeat we are down!" The voice is distant. It's to hard to hear over the ringing in my eyes, and the all consuming pain coursing through my body. Where am I?
"Can you hear me! We have crashed by the bay! I repeat by the bay!" It's a man. Slowly I open my eyes to see that it's night. I'm on the ground, I can feel it.
There's fire, a lot of fire. Why? I try to call out for help, but nothing comes out.
"Five casualties! I think... I mean I haven't thoroughly checked!" The man shouts again. He thinks I'm dead. I'm not dead. Slowly I push myself up, and scream out in pain. I'm injured. My ribs.
"Wait there's... Errana!" The man shouts, but ignore. We're in the forest, it's burning up, everything is just burning. Debris from a machine is scattered all over. "Errana!" The man shouts, and I turn to face him. He's tall, with a solid body type. His face on the other hand is blurred. I'm not sure if it's because it dark, or I'm just going crazy. The man reaches out for me, but I step back. "Errana it's me. You're hurt let me help you." He reaches out again, but before I can step back he grabs my hand. Unexpected flashes come into vision, almost like a film. Flashes of me. A happy me, a genuinely happy me. I can feel it. I can hear it, but it's not me. It can't be. I'm with someone; a man and he's happy too. Who is he? "Errana!" The mysterious man shouts, pulling me out of whatever I was seeing. "Who are you? H-how do you know my name?" I blurt, but it ends as a mumble. "Where am I?"
"Look I can explain all of th-"
"What is that!" I cut him off pointing at the- is that a plane?
"The mission failed! We crashed Errana we need to go! It's going to explode!" He tries to explain, but I ignore and walk past him. I can't bring myself to speak. What is that? Who is he? What we're those flashes? I turn and he grabs for my hand again, but before I can push him away, I notice something. A symbol, a symbol on his forearm. "So familiar." I whisper, before looking to see if anyone's alive. "What are you doing!" He shouts.
"Checking if they're alive!" I shout back, but my voice echos. I'm getting lightheaded. "They're dead Errana!"
" d-don't know that." I'm going to pass out. Bending down I pick up a female who's face is also blurred. "Y-you can help you know." I mumble. "Errana-"
"Stop calling me that! Come on wake up." I whisper, luckily she does taking some weight off my back.
"What? You never correct me."
"I don't know you!" I yell, but it makes matters worse. My nose starts to bleed, and the echoes get louder. "Errana you can't save everyone!" Ignoring I move over to another body, and pick them up.
"Y-you c-can't sa-save everyone." His face is beginning to glitch, and my legs grow weak. "Come on stay awake." I whisper to the injured people in my arms, but I'm not even sure I can stay awake myself. Walking past this mysterious man; I try to keep my eyes open. "Where are you going?" He asks, and if I'm honest I don't even know, but I keep walking. The only problem is that it seems like the further away I am from him, the weaker I get. Everything slowly begins to fade. I'm dying.
"Pulling her out!" A voice yells, but it sounds as if it's underwater.
"I love y-" The man starts, but everything fades to white.
"End the trail! Send her to the chair! You want to play games... fine." It's Edith.
What's happening? Where's the man? The cuffs unlock, and in a second I'm yanked out of the chair. "Luke what's happening?" I mumble, trying to keep my eyes open. I keep them open long enough to notice that there's another guard. They pull me up to my feet, and lead me back to my cell.
"Errana!" Someone shouts, someone way to familiar. "Errana!" They shout again. "Let me the hell go! Let me go!" It's Levi. Something in me clicks like a switch, waking me up. My eyes pop open, and I know I'm not going crazy. He's here, Levi's here. "Levi!" I shout, kicking, and pulling. "Levi!" My voice cracks, but I continue. I need him. Before I can even yell again, I'm thrown into my cell; I'm not alone. In the middle of the room sits a chair, and next to it a female, and male doctor. I know what's going to happen next, but I don't want to believe it. "Pull her up on the chair please."
"No... no, no, no please no!"
A sharp prick stings my waist, and everything after that is a blur. I'm screaming, and before I know it a tube is being shoved down my throat. If this is a dream, it's the worst one yet.

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