part 14

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"Izzy?" I heard Shaun say in a soft voice "Izzy are you awake yet? Can you hear me?"

"She'll wake up when she's ready." I heard a kind voice say "She's recovering from shock that's all."

I opened my eyes to see Shaun sitting beside me with a dried blood trail from his nose.

He was glaring at the nurse as she walked away.

"Where am I?" I asked him, sitting up.

"You're awake!" he said smiling at me. "I was shit scared when you just fainted."

"That doesn't explain where I am though." I laughed. Laughing hurt.

"You're in hospital iz." he said. "They're treating you for shock."

"Shock?" I asked myself. Then the memories flooded back.

The sleazy man,

The knife,

fighting with Shaun to overcome him.

"Oh." I said slumping back into the pillows. "Please tell me that I don't have to stay here." I groaned.

"It's not up to me." He said softly.

The nurse walked back in.

"Oh good." She said brightly, slipping a blood pressure cuff around my arm. "You're awake."

Before I could ask her if I would be staying there for much longer, I heard a gasp from the doorway.

Amanda was standing there looking shocked; she rushed into the room and hugged me.

"Iz! Oh my gosh, what happened?!" she said hastily, looking from me to Shaun and back again.

Maddie, Stacey and everyone else came into the room, they all looked worried.

While Shaun replayed the story for the others the nurse checked my blood pressure, and wrote down the results on the chart at the end of my bed.

"The doctor will be in soon." She said looking at me.

I liked her, she was the friendliest nurse id ever had.

The others listened to the story in silence, with only the occasional gasp from one of the girls, and laughter when Shaun told them how I beat him.

He blushed crimson, and then quickly started retelling the story.

When the doctor walked in she smiled at me aswell.

"Hey." She said, "I'm your doctor for today. Call me abygale."

There were murmured hellos as she picked up my chart

"Well, everything seems to be fine." She said, scanning the nurses' notes. "You should be fine to go."

She signed the sheet and left with a cheery "goodbye."

Everyone looked happy as we left the hospital.

Shaun still had the dried blood trail coming down from his nose.

"Come here." I said to him. "You need to clean yourself up." I grabbed a tissue from my bag, wet it with some water from Andy's water bottle, and wiped the blood away.

"So, thanks for making me feel loved guys." I said sarcastically as we got into the van, and Amanda got into the other car, Shaun having driven here from the airport while I was laying unconscious in the backseat.

Everyone laughed.

"Well, Shaun wanted an opportunity to be sneakier then you for once. And this was the perfect opportunity." Bradie laughed, lightly hitting Shauns' shoulder.

"Hey you're here and that's all that counts right?" maddie said awkwardly hugging me from the side.

"We wouldn't have left you if we weren't in on the plan, and known you'd eventually be joining us." Stacey agreed.

Andy nodded from the driver's seat and added "the tour just wouldn't be as fun without you iz."

As we got to the hotel, and up to our rooms I looked around.

"There are only four beds in each room." I said "where are the other two gunna sleep?"

It was then I noticed bradies arm around maddies waist.

"Wow," I said shocked "things happen when i'm not around."

"yeah." Agreed Shaun "But worse things happen when you are." He said laughing, dodging my playful hit.

"You can't hit him for things that are true." Said jumpnow, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Naww, everyone's ganging up on me." I said playfully pouting.

Stacey mussed my hair and went to get a coke from the vending machine in the lobby.

"He's right though." added bradie. "Bad things do happen."

"Only when i'm not there to save her." Shaun said. "I'm superman!"

"Yeah and i'm Santa clause." Amanda said sarcastically.

I laughed as everyone added something, eventually Shaun gave up trying to convince us he was superman and the conversation dulled.

It felt so good to be with them again.

To laugh at the smallest thing.

And forget the things that had kept me awake for the past week.

I was there, on tour, with all my friends.

The old ones and the new ones.

It felt like home.

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