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Since we all have our Emison hearts completely broken and shattered, i wanted to write something to make me feel a little better and i thought why not share it with you guys. So it's a one shot about how I'd like things to happen for our beloved Emison in the next episode. The next part of the story will be posted soon. Enjoy! 

Alison pov
Wow, so it's really over. She stopped wearing her wedding ring and she sent the divorce papers. I pour myself a glass of wine and look at a picture of me and my girls, which I won't see anymore since Emily asked for the full custody. I really need to protect them from all the shit that's going on here so I agree and sign the papers without arguing. I love Emily so much but if this what she wants, I'm going to give it to her, at least until I work here. She doesn't know anything about what's going on here as I've been lying to her since I arrived and I've been distant. I wipe the tears from my eyes before putting the papers and my ring back in the envelope. I'll mail it tomorrow. Then suddenly, something catches my eye, the book Caitlin and the others were talking about before. They said she changed the maps but why did she do that? I open the book and say "Did you ever find the Emerald city Taylor?". It clicked, I take my coat and drive to the woods. I step out of my car and walk until I find a white caravan. You know me, I'm curious so of course I have to search it. I push the door, it's unlocked and no one is inside. Blood is dripping from a cabinet so i open it to find out what it is, when a book falls out. It's the book Mona said was missing from the collection. Then a blonde women barged in. Wait I've already seen her before.

A: Taylor?

She doesn't say anything and just runs out, locking me inside. I'm screaming for her to let me out but she drives me somewhere. She stops and comes back with a crowbar, yelling at me to get out. If she thinks she's scaring me well she's wrong. She clearly doesn't know who I am. I go out of the caravan and she drives away. So I now have proof she is alive and I need to convince Mona. I walk quite a while before I find my car again. I drive back to my place and lock the door behind me. I take my coat off and grab my bottle of wine drinking strictly from it, remembering what happened before I went to search for Taylor. I am now a divorced women, it feels weird to say it out loud and what also feels weird is my finger missing the ring. My wine bottle is empty so I go open another one, I need to forget everything tonight, I'm way too sad. After drinking the entire bottle, I fall asleep on my couch with the picture of Emily and I close to my heart. I'm waken up the next morning by Mona.

M: Ali wake up!
A: Mona, what are you doing here?
M: well you didn't show up for work so I was worried. And what happened to you? Are you hungover?

I don't say anything, I just stand up and go take an aspirin for my throbbing head.

A: Emily wants to divorce me
M: oh, it's time for you to move on Ali
M: wow slow down, what can you do anyway, she seems determined.
A: I want the next week off, please, I need to go back, I need to show her I love her
M: I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything.

I hug her and hop in the shower. Next thing I know, I bought myself a plane ticket for tomorrow since It's Saturday. I'm waiting for Mona's call but I already pack my stuff for next week. By the end of the day, Mona sent me a text telling I have next week off. Yay, I'm really excited. Now it's time to make a plan to win my wife back.

Emily pov
I can't believe I actually signed and sent her the divorce papers, but I just can't continue like this. She's constantly lying and keeping secrets from me. I asked for full custody of the girls because it's easier this way but Ali can come whenever she wants. I'll always love Ali, very much, but it's too hard. The girls are asleep, I take a bottle of wine and take a picture of Ali and I during our wedding day. I kiss the picture and whisper "you are my forever" before shrugging my red wine down. I'm really sad, I already took my ring off but it's in a safe place. I feel really awful, Ali is the love of my life but I guess I can't go back now. I go to bed, completely exhausted as I have to go to work tomorrow. The next morning, I wake up with a massive headache, I didn't drink like that since the day Ali left for BHU. After taking a shower and an aspirin, I wake the girls up. When I tried to call Ali for their everyday morning call, she didn't pick up. It's the first time she doesn't pick up for the girls. I think I broke her heart. The girls look at me with a very sad look on their faces. They miss their mommy very much and so do I but form now on, this is how it's going to be. Just me and the girls, without Alison. Anyway, I dress the twins, feed them and take them to school. Ali didn't even call back or text me saying she was sorry for missing the girls' call this morning. Is this really how it's going to be for the rest of our lives? Her being mad at me and not wanting to talk to the girls? She can't punish the girls for her mistakes. After a horrible day at work, I pick the girls up and go back home. I don't bother to call Ali, if she doesn't call for her daughters, then she won't speak to them. We have a normal Friday night, we watched a movie and then I put them to sleep. I go back downstairs and someone is calling me. I'm secretly hoping it's from Ali but it's just Hanna.

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