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Emily pov
Today is finally Monday, this means I'm starting my new job at the high school and I'm really excited but nervous at the same time! I'm waken up by my alarm followed by Ali's, we still need to synchronize our alarms since we work at the same place, and we only have one car we will be driving together every day. We are spooning and she turns around in my arms, burying her face in the crook of my neck and mumbling some inaudible things, but knowing my wife, she's whining because we have to get out of the warm cocoon we created. I kiss her head while she kisses my neck giving me goosebumps. She kisses her way up to my chin to finish her "race" on my lips. I kiss her back, pulling her closer to me and stand up. She isn't happy about it but we have to get ready, I don't want to be late on my first day and if we don't wake the girls, we are definitely going to be late.

A: Emmm, come back to bed
E: ali baby, we are going to be late and I don't want to, so if you don't get ready now, you're going to have to cycle to work since I'm taking the car.

I bend down to her level and whisper in her ear.

E: And if I'm late to work, I'll be moody all day long and tonight, I'll be pissed so that means no cuddles ...
A: urgh fine, but go wake the girls
E: yes! Now get ready princess!

She finally stands up and starts walking to hug me but when she's close to me, I walk out sticking my tongue out.

A: emmmm, I want a hug

I'm already in front of the girls room but I answer her.

E: get dressed and I'll think about it

I hear her sigh but I know she's getting dressed. I open the girl's door and slowly wake them up. They have the same reaction Ali had, they whine. What did I do to deserve such lazy bugs? But I'm in love with my three lazy bugs, hopefully the next one won't be one. After giving them their clothes and telling them multiple times to wake up, I go to the kitchen to find my wife cooking breakfast.

A: babe, where are the girls?
E: getting dressed
A: you know that if you want to be on time, you need to hurry them because they're little divas, they like to take their time
E: yeah yeah don't worry. If they don't hurry, tomorrow I'll wake them military style

I wink at her and the girls come down. They eat breakfast and brush their teeth. Ali is doing Lily's hair and I'm trying to do Grace's but I'm so bad at it, so grace ended up with just a ponytail and Lily with two French braids. We drive them to school before driving to the high school. As I'm about to get out of the car, Ali grabs my wrist.

A: Em wait
E: yeah?
A: are you sure you're ready to go back to work?
E: Ali, I've been stuck at home for the past month, I need to do something. Plus, I don't like you being the only provider.
A: please be careful, you know how teenagers can be.
E: I will babe, you too okay. And call me if you need anything!
A: yes. Okay time to go then.

I peck her lips and walk out of the car. I don't know how to act around Ali here, like I don't know if I'm allowed to hold her hand, hug her or even steal a few kisses so I'll let her act how she wants. Surprisingly, she waits for me to come next to her and she takes my hand, intertwining our fingers.

A: Ready?
E: ready.

We walk to the teachers room and are welcomes by a very happy Mr. Hackett. He greets us and tells me how happy he is that I'm now the new swim coach. Apparently the last one wasn't good, and the team didn't win one single meet since the beginning of the year. Well I hope I can change that. The first bell is about to ring so I hug Ali goodbye and after she told me she loved me, I go to the swimming pool to meet my team. The first team is the senior girls' team. They come out of the locker room and one girl sticks out. She is followed by four girls, who do anything she asks them to. She reminds me of young Ali except she has brown hair. I let it go since I don't want to make enemies on the first day.

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