Chapter 1

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Michelle Jones woke up to the repetitive sound of her brother knocking on the door, blabbering some nonsense about breakfast and being early for school. She groaned and rolled over, facing her window, the early morning traffic audible even from 7 stories up.

After much debate about whether she should just stay in bed and do nothing all day or actually going to school, she decided to be 'responsible' and get up. She stretched her long legs as she stood, and tried not to think about killing her younger brother, who was still pounding on her door aggressively. "Are you up yet, Mitchie?"

She opened the door and gave him one of her most frightening glares. "Listen Poptart, what did I tell you about waking me up early in the morning?" Her brother frowned at the nickname. His real name was Jake, but ever since Michelle had walked into their kitchen and seen him sitting on the bench stuffing his face with Poptarts, with one also stuck on his forehead, which she doesn't know how he did, it became his nickname.

He glared back at her. "Well, for your information, it's 7:15, and you only have half an hour before school starts." Michelle glared at him but said nothing. Knowing she had little time to eat, she quickly showered and packed her bag for that day. Tuesday, decathlon practice, and gym. Hmmm, what book should I bring today? She thought, knowing that their gym teacher would let her read instead of participate.

After packing all her stuff she walked out to the kitchen, greeted with the lovely smell of pancakes. Michelle smiled, knowing that the pancakes wouldn't take forever to eat and she would get to school on time. After almost inhaling the food, earning some confused looks from Jake and her mother along the way, she finished breakfast and was ready to leave. "I have decathlon practice today, so I won't be able to walk you home, Jakey, ask one of your friends for a ride."

"Okay, see you later Mitchie!" He said with a mouth full of food. "Jake, what have I told you about manners?" Their mother said, before smiling at Michelle as she walked to the door. "Have a good day Jellybean!" Michelle couldn't help but smile. Her mother's nickname may be a little childish, but she still liked it.

The walk to school was boring, as usual, but her apartment wasn't far away, so she didn't have to walk for long. By the time she arrived she had ten minutes before she had to go to her first class, so she walked to her locker and read the book she picked that morning while leaning against her locker. "Macbeth. Interesting choice," someone said, causing her to look up. "Sup, Ned," she said, before looking back down to her book. "Where's Peter?"

Ned shrugged. "He went to class early, hurt his foot last night so he doesn't want to walk on it that much." Michelle looked up again, brows furrowed. "What'd he do to his foot?" Ned smiled widely at her, enough for his eyes to disappear. "Fell of his bed while we were building the Lego death star."

Michelle narrowed her eyes at him. The only time Ned smiled that widely was when he was hiding something. "Uh huh. I thought you guys already built that thing already," she said, allowing the matter to pass, but making the mental note to see if Peter really did 'fall off the bed'. "Yeah, but just because you build something once doesn't mean you can't build it again!" He said, almost too quickly in her opinion. "Okay, weirdo," she said as she pushed herself of the lockers when the bell rung.

Ned scurried ahead of her, but she didn't know why he was so eager. When she got their she took her seat in the middle of the room and took out her textbook. "Morning class, hope your all feeling well today," their teacher said. Michelle glanced up to see that she had already started to write up their work on the board, but something else caught her eye.

Peter and Ned were sitting next to each other in the front row, and as Ned said, it appeared Peter had hurt his foot. He had a bandage wrapped around it tightly. Odd for a simple fall. Michelle started to do the work and when she finished looked at Peter again.

He was only a row ahead of her, slightly to her left, so she had perfect view of his sharp jaw line and wide eyes. Michelle had known Peter for years, and during that time maybe, possibly, slightly got a little bit of feelings for him. She still remembered the first time she saw Peter. He was all knees and elbows, short (although that hasn't really changed) and he wore large glasses that made his eyes look humongous. He wore baggy shirts that had some lame movie or science thing on it that made him look even smaller than he already was. To young Michelle, she thought he was adorable. He didn't have many friends in school at first, but it didn't take long for the two current inseparable losers to meet. She remembered feeling glad that he had a friend now. She wanted to become friends with him herself, but back then Michelle was a bit shy. Now Michelle can talk to people easily, but would prefer to only converse with a few.

As she continued to stare at Peter, lost in her own world, she remembered how he used to be bullied. Mainly by Flash, who still does that now, but back then she remembered it being pretty bad. He was always picked on about being small, or about his glasses, or how he was terrible at sports, or even about how he lived with his Aunt and Uncle after his parents died. Michelle thought it was unfair, and stood up to them a few times, not around Peter though, but nothing she did ever helped. Life was the same for a long time, but about a year ago something happened.

Peter's Uncle Ben had been killed. Michelle, Peter and Ned had become kind of friends at this point, as they were all in decathlon together, and she remembered how heavily it hit him. She tried to offer comfort to him, but it didn't really do anything. He became distant from everyone, even Ned, for a long time, about a month if she remembered correctly. Then he changed.

He started to talk to people again, started to smile more, be his normal, friendly, kind, lame self again. Him and Ned were back to normal and he seemed to finally get past his Uncle's death. And not only that, he started to get some muscles. She had no idea what he had been doing during that time, but she wasn't complaining about the change in his physique. He also stopped wearing glasses, which showed his naturally nice eyes, no more bug like. Did she miss the old Peter? Occasionally, but he is the same person now as he was back then, the same person she grew to like.

"Hey, Penis!" Someone whisper yelled from behind her, pulling her out of her thoughts. Uhh, what is Flash doing now? Peter ignored him, but when Flash said it again he turned around to see what he wanted. As soon as he did a ball of paper hit him square in the face. A lot of the students in the class laughed, but Peter just rolled his eyes and looked back down at his textbook.

Oh, what a wonderful life.

A/N- Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'm not sure how this story is going to go exactly but I am very excited.

This is also my first time writing in this particular style, instead of reading from the characters perspective it's written as she/he/her/name. Hope it goes well but that may change.

ANYWAY, Vote, comment and follow me for updates!!!

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