Chapter 12

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Peter swung with all his might between each building, desperately trying to get to the avengers compound as soon as possible. When he was at his place, watching a movie with Michelle, having a really nice time, he got a call from Happy, who had said that Mr Stark needed Peter urgently. Mr Stark hasn't needed me to come urgently for anything in ages. Maybe it's a mission! Maybe with the Avengers! I have to get there, NOW!

Peter got their in record time, and when he arrived Happy was waiting for him. Peter walked up the stairs to get closer to him, "Hey Happy, what's the emergency?" Happy didn't say anything in response, instead turning and walking down a hallway. Peter followed closely behind him. "Is everything okay? Why does Mr Stark need me? Is it important? Do I need to stay in my suit or can I take the mask off? Is it another mission? Do the Avengers need me?"

"Oh my god will you shut up!" Happy yelled, cutting off Peters rapid fire questions. "Yes it's important. Now keep your trap shut and just follow me ...teenagers." Peter smiled in victory. At least I got something. So it is important. Hmmm, I wonder what it could be. "Are we going to Mr Stark's office?" Peter asked the grumpy man ahead of him. "I swear, if you ask one more question I'm going to throw you off the roof. Just be quiet." Happy said, exasperated. "Well sorry for being inquisitive," Peter mumbled to himself as he took off his mask.

Peter regretted it immediately, afraid that Happy would actually turn around and smack him across the head, or pick him up and carry him to the roof, and then throw him off it. I'd probably be fine though. I have my web-shooters. Thankfully though, Happy didn't seem to hear his little comment, he just kept walking. They arrived at Mr Starks office in a matter of seconds, and Peter saw that the door was actually open. When he walked inside he found Mr Stark leaning on his desk.

"Good, your here." He said as Peter entered. "Everything alright, Mr Stark? Happy said it was urgent." Tony nodded and walked over to Peter, grabbed his shoulder and led him further into his office. As Peter got closer, he could see one of Mr Starks techy hologram computer thingys above his desk, and a mans face was being projected onto it. "Who's that?" Peter asked, curious. Mr Stark reached out and expanded the image to make it clearer. "That is the reason why you are here."

"Okay, who is he? Is he a bad guy?" Peter asked, his excitement at the possibility of it coming through his voice. "Yes and this isn't something you should be so happy about. Sit down before I tie you to a chair. You're bouncing too much." Peter did as he was told and sat down in the chair beside him. "This man is Ralph Emerson, and he's part of a terrorist group that have been hiding out in New York for months." Peter felt his excitement falter a little. This is a lot more serious than I thought.

"I need you to put an end to their little group activity." Peter's eyes widened. "Me? But, why can't you do it?" Mr Stark looked down at him, "Because, they somehow figured out that I've been watching them and are doing everything I can to stop me from stopping them. They will be to worried about me to even suspect you."

Peter nodded in understanding. "Okay, then why is this guy important?" Peter asked. "Because he's the leader and the one who makes all the decisions. They haven't attacked any places yet, but I suspect they are planning something. Think you can handle it, kid?" Peter stood up and gave him a confident smile. "You bet. Don't worry, Mr Stark. I'll stop them, you can trust me."

"I do, kid. So don't let me down, or a lot of people could get hurt." Peter nodded, fully embracing the new weight that has been put on his shoulders. It may be difficult to juggle all this with school and decathlon and everything, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. And I got Ned to help me. "Okay, that's all. Bye, Kid." Peter nodded and left the office. The entire time he was making his way home he felt jitters from his new mission.

This is kinda exciting, terrifying but exciting. Catching bad guys, proving myself to Mr Stark. I gotta try to find these guys, look for information, maybe set up a scanner or something looking for this guy. I don't know, I'll figure it out. I will catch them! Peter jumped up onto the side of his apartment complex and crawled in through his window. He landed on his bedroom floor, and after quickly getting changed he walked out to find May asleep at the dining table.

She was hunched over her computer, and she had papers everywhere. May, you're overworking yourself. Peter sighed, and as gently and quietly as he could, walked over to her, lifted her off her chair and carried her into her bedroom. This wasn't the first time Peter had carried his Aunt to bed. She works to hard sometimes, and completely wears herself out. You need to sleep, May.

He placed her down on her bed and tucked her under the covers, silently leaving the room and shutting the door afterwards. It was only then that Peter checked his watch and saw the time. 10:42. It's later than I thought. As if on cue a yawn escaped his mouth as a wave of exhaustion hit him. I've been tired since I got home. I should probably sleep, I'll tell Ned about everything tomorrow.

Peter turned off all the lights and checked that the front door was locked before he went to his own room and collapsed down on his bed. He could feel himself drifting off, and as he did he thought over everything that happened that day. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he thought of the time he spent with Michelle that day. I think we are really getting a lot closer than we were before. I can't wait until our next study session...If I can somehow figure out how to work that in with all the other things I need to do now too... yyaaayyy.

A/N- Hey guys! I know, two in two days! Woo! 

I feel much better than I did yesterday, and although this chapter is a bit shorter than what I normally do, my mind was just racing and I needed to write this chapter.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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Love you all!

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