Chapter 26

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After a moment they broke apart from the kiss, and stepped back from each other. Michelle stood there and looked at him. She was trying to process everything that she had seen in the last ten minutes, and not only did she find out that Cory was actually a psychopath who was trying to... blow up the school? Is that what he said?, but she also figured out that this was the reason why Peter didn't want her to tell him, which definitely was a mistake on her part, that Peter is actually Spider-Man, athough she felt like she basically knew already, she just couldn't place her finger on it. AND I told him how I felt and he feels the same and I just had my first kiss.

"I-uh, heh..." Peter said, trying to break the awkward silence that had fallen between them as they stared at each other like idiots. "What does this mean for us now?" Michelle asked, not wanting to beat around the bush. His cheeks started to turn red, "Well, I don't know. Do you wanna be boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asked in an innocent, boyish way, not looking directly at her and rubbing the back of his neck.

She smiled for what felt like the thousandth time since the conversation had started. "Sure." Peter looked up at her with wide eyes as a smile spread across his face. Suddenly Ned burst into the gym, out of breath. "PETER! The police are coming!" He shouted through heaving breaths. Peter's smile dropped and his expression turned serious. "Okay, I can't turn Cory in looking like this so I wear my suit."

Right as Michelle was about to ask where he was keeping it, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing the red and blue suit underneath. Ohhh that's what that red thing was earlier. When he pulled his shirt over his head it made his hair all messy. As he reached to start to take off his pants Michelle felt a little awkward so before he could she walked over to Ned. "How long have you known?" She asked him. He shrugged, "Since just before Washington." She nodded her head, "It's been a while."

She turned back to see if he was finished and found him pulling his mask out of a pocket in his jeans. He stood up and faced them as he held it in her hands. Michelle couldn't help but feel her heart jump a little as she saw him in the suit. Obviously she had seen Spider-Man before and knew what he looked like, but seeing Peter wearing it without his mask and his hair a mess, it became hard not to notice how tight the suit was, because she could clearly see the hint of muscles through his suit.

"You guys should go. The others are probably worried," Peter said as he pulled the mask over his head. Michelle and Ned both nodded and started to make their way towards the door. She looked over her shoulder at him briefly and could see he was looking at her as well. They stepped out into the hallway and walked towards the front of the school, passing some police officers along the way and pointing towards the gym when they asked where it was. When they made it out Michelle was surprised to find Jake standing beside the rest of the decathlon team, and when he saw her come out of the school he ran towards her.

"Mitchie! Are you okay?!" He said as he jumped on her and gave her a hug. She hugged him back, "Yeah, I'm fine. How did you find out?" She put him down. "I was walking past with one of my friends and heard alarms going off and saw people rushing out of the school. What happened?" Michelle didn't know what to tell him. She didn't want to say anything that might give Peter away, so she just shrugged. "I'm not really sure."

She, Ned and Jake all sat outside the school on a bench. Parents had come to pick up their kids and people were starting to clear out. At some point a few different news stations came with crew and cameras and told the supposed story of what had happened. Thankfully no one approached them and left them alone. She figured out through overhearing everyone's conversations and from what the news people were saying, that there was an attempted terrorist attack on the school by Cory, but thankfully Spider-Man had been tracking him and stopped it before anything had happened.

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