Chapter 27

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A/N- Hey everyone, so...this is the last chapter....of this particular story. That's right, I'm going to be making another book with these same characters and a whole new villain!

It probably won't come out for around a month or two, but in the mean time, I will be releasing extras for this story, bonus chapters and also a Q and A, so leave your questions down below in the comments! They can be about the story, or you can ask questions about me if you would like. Nothing off limits!!!

But yeah, I'll talk a little bit more at the end of the chapter but, thank you for all your support of this story. 

Anyway, enjoy the last chapter :)

"Well, now that you mention it, I do have a few questions," Michelle said. "Okay, ask away." Peter didn't know why exactly he had felt the sudden urge to come and see Michelle at 2 in the morning, but after not seeing her at school for the past few days he really wanted to spend time with her. He didn't know what type of questions she was going to ask but he knew that he would answer them all truthfully.

"Okay. First, how did you get your powers? And second, what exactly are your powers?" Peter nodded. I was pretty sure that she would ask this. I mean, May did and Ned did, but she is asking them in a much calmer way than either of them did. Peter briefly remembered how Ned spent an entire day questioning him and asking him silly questions, and he had been so excited about his best friend having superpowers that sometimes he didn't word the questions properly. May had been freaking out and was nearly yelling when she had asked what the hell had happened to him and why was he trying to fight crime in a spandex suit every night.

"Well, do you remember when we went on that science trip freshman year?" He asked her. When she nodded he continued on, "Well, I basically got bitten by this radioactive spider and the next morning I woke up and I was bigger and didn't need my glasses anymore." She raised her eyebrows, "Really? I actually remember that day. You came into school and you looked like you had grown overnight and you weren't wearing glasses anymore. Didn't you say 'Oh I just don't need them anymore' when people asked you about it?" Peter nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I'm surprised you remember. And yeah I did, I didn't really know what else I could say."

She rolled her eyes, "You never thought of just saying that you started wearing contacts?" Peter's cheeks started to tint red with embarrassment. "Uh...No, that actually never crossed my mind. It's too late now though." She looked at him with a confused expression, "What do you mean?" She grabbed a glass of water she had on her bedside table and took a few sips of it before she set it back down. "Well, It's been well over a year and I haven't worn my glasses in ages. Plus I said that I didn't need them anymore."

She shook her head and smiled lightly, "Or you could just go into school and when we are at decathlon practice or something just start rubbing your eye and say your contacts are annoying you. And I don't think anyone will remember something that you said a over a year ago." Peter looked at her, "You did." He watched as her cheeks became ever so slightly redder, "Well, that's different. Anyway, you answered my first question but not my second one."

He smiled but allowed her change in subject. "Right, so basically my powers are that I'm really strong, I have this like... sixth sense type thing, and I can also stick to things." She raised an eyebrow, "Stick to things? You mean that wasn't your suit that allowed you to stick to things?" He shook his head and stood up, "No, like I can stick to any surface, even through my clothes or my shoes. Watch," He walked over her door and placed one foot on the small space of wall next to it, then he lifted his other foot and placed it above the other so that he was standing on the side of the wall, completely up right. Then he continued to walk until he was standing upside down on the ceiling.

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