Chapter 16

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It had been a week since Michelle had been sick, and was now thankfully back to full health, just in time for the weekend. Her mother had planned to take her and Jake out to go shopping later this afternoon, and Michelle was currently sitting on the couch, itching to go. She didn't really like shopping, but she did like shopping for books. Usually when they got there Jake would drag their mother off to some game shop while Michelle went to the book store to look for new books.

"Mum?! Are you ready yet?!" Michelle called out to her mother who had been getting ready for the past 45 minutes. "Just a moment honey!" She called back. Jake was eating some cereal at the kitchen table while playing some game on his phone, occasionally mumbling about gamer stuff or whatever, Michelle didn't really understand any of that stuff, but Peter and Ned would have.

As the thought crossed her mind Michelle leaned back and thought over the past week. Parker is usually pretty odd, but this week he has been really weird. Ever since that night he walked me and Poptart home in fact. He's always...staring at me. Actually now that I think about it he had been staring at me a lot when he was here that night too. What has gotten into him? Michelle thought back to that night, remembering how she was sipping on her delicious home-made hot chocolate and spotted him looking at her in her peripherals. 

She hadn't done anything at the time because she didn't think much of it, brushing it off as him seeing if she was okay, or if she was enjoying the drink. Maybe he has just been spacing out a lot and he just happens to be looking in my direction when that happens. I know I've done that before, most of the time to Ned. Michelle did admit that whenever she caught him staring, or just looking, at her she would feel her heart jump, but she tried not to think about it that much.

"Mum!" She yelled out again, running out of patience. Her mother emerged from her bedroom and seemed to be ready. Finally. "Okay, I'm ready. Lets go!" Her mum said as she opened the front door. By the time they arrived at the mall it was midday, so it was highly likely that they would end up eating there. "Okay, I really want to go to this store to by this nice bag I saw, so lets meet up at the food court in about an hour, okay?" Their mum said. "Okay," Jake said, "I wanted to go to the book store with Mitchie anyway." Michelle looked down at her brother with raised eyebrows.

"When have you ever wanted anything to do with books?" Jake scoffed at her. "Just because I'm not as much of a book-worm as you doesn't mean I hate books. Anyway, its a gaming book so." Michelle laughed. "I knew there was a reason." They both waved at their Mum as she left to get her bag, and Michelle and Jake headed towards the bookstore, which was basically Michelle's second home.

"How many books do you think you will get today?" Jake asked as they walked in. Michelle breathed in the lovely smell of the books and their pages, and stared with happy eyes at all of the shelves. "As many as I can carry," She said. "Lets get your game book first." Jake nodded and started to walk. "Okay, its this way I think." Michelle followed him and watched as he looked over all the shelves for his book. "Found it!" he said as he pulled some book off the shelf.

"Okay, well now you can help me with my books." They walked over into another section and within minutes she already had 6 book stacked up in Jakes arms. "I don't know how you read this much," he said. Michelle shrugged as she pulled another of the shelf. "Its a gift." A few more minutes went by and her book pile was getting larger and larger. "I'm bored. What has Peter been up to recently?" Jake asked. Michelle paused at the mention of Peters name. She never really understood why Jake idolised Peter so much, because not one day goes by where he doesn't ask about her friend at least once.

"He's fine. He does his internship on weekends so he's probably doing stuff right now." Jake sighed. "That is seriously so cool that he gets to work for Mr Stark. And he gets to meet superheros!" Michelle grabbed another two books that caught her eye and added them to the books in her hands, as Jake couldn't carry anymore. "Its cool I guess."

A few more minutes went by and now they both couldn't carry anymore books, so Michelle and Jake walked over to the counter to pay for them. "I'll buy yours. To thank you for helping me." Jake smiled and gave her a quick hug. "Thanks Mitchie!" The clerk scanned all the books and it came to a total of $342, in total 38 books. "I don't know how you can pay for this many books. Its really expensive!" Jake exclaimed. Michelle shrugged. "Well, you spend your pocket money on games and nerd stuff. I save mine for my next book spree."

Michelle paid for the books and left the store, her carrying three bags and Jake carrying two. "It would be awesome if you and Peter dated," Jake said suddenly. Michelle stopped in her tracks and nearly dropped a bag. "What?" Jake shrugged, "What? I think he is cool and you two are already friends. I think you should date." I cant believe we are talking about this. Can we just go to the food court? I'm hungry. 

"Okay, well think whatever you want, but I can tell you that we definitely won't date. Peter doesn't like me like that." Michelle said, trying not to sound disappointed. Jake laughed, "I don't think so." Michelle looked down at him as they started walking towards the food court again. "What do you mean?"

Jake shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "I mean that I don't think he doesn't like you like that." Michelle frowned, not knowing what to think of what he just said. Everything just made her head hurt, and her arms were really sore from all the weight. "Come on. Lets go, Mum might be waiting." They made it to the food court and couldn't see their mother, so they sat down and decided to wait. She most likely wouldn't take too long. 

Is what Jake said true? Does he think that Peter may like me more than just a friend? ...No. There is no way. He is just being silly. How would a 6th grader know that? Uhhhhh why are boys so confusing???????

A/N- Hey Guys! Sorry I didn't publish yesterday, I didn't get the chance to sit down and write.

Did you guys see the trailer for FFH that was leaked? OMGGGGG!!!!!!! If you haven't see it, SEE IT! Somehow it made me even more hyped for the movie. I didn't even know that was possible.

I'm thinking of maybe trying to finish this story before FFH comes out, but I dont know how that will go so.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. It was just a simple story of Michelle and Jake shopping for books. I really liked the idea and wanted to deticate a chapter to that.

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