Chapter 19

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Michelle sat in her living room reading her new favourite book on the couch while Jake was playing some game on the TV. It was something that involved running around and killing zombies and trying not to die, AKA something Michelle wouldn't play even if someone had paid her to. Its not that she didn't like these types of games because secretly, she was quite skilled at gaming, but she never really plays and she knows that if anyone found out, cough cough Peter and Ned cough cough, they would force her to play. And Michelle just really preferred books over everything else.

She remembered as Jake blew a zombies head off the last time she had played a game. It was about seven months prior and it was one of those old arcade games. It was on one of the shopping trips their Mum occasionally takes them on, and Jake insisted he visit the new Arcade that had opened up. It had claw machines, arcade games and more recent ones, any gamers version of heaven on Earth. Michelle had to drag Jake out of the place before he was swept away and lost forever.

When they both had gotten home from school that day, Jake had asked if she wanted to play with him. Michelle had considered it, but the game wasn't really her style and she just really wanted to read. Jake had smiled and said that it was alright, and made a compromise that he would play with his headphones in if she could stay out in the lounge with him. She had accepted, and although Jake had played it off as merely wanting to spend more time with her, which may have been true, but Michelle knew the real reason why he wanted her out here. Ever since the break-in Jake has become a little paranoid when he is either home alone or alone in the living room.

So, this current situation, Michelle on the couch reading and Jake on the floor having the time of his life blowing zombies to smithereens, has become a daily routine now. In addition, their Mum had given Michelle some money so they could take a taxi home, rather that having to walk, which they both greatly appreciated. 

"Ahh! Shit!" Jake exclaimed as his avatar was killed in the game. "Hey hey hey, where did you hear that language? Mum will smack you if she hears you saying that," Michelle said. Jake took off his headphones and turned to face her. He stared her down and rasied an eyebrow, and the answer soon became pretty clear. "Oh," Michelle said, looking back to her book. My bad... "Just play your game and don't swear when Mum's around." He smiled and put his headphones back over his head, "Okay. Hey do you think I could have some jellybeans?" He asked as he started playing again. 

"Not if you want me to get them," Michelle responded without lifting her eyes from the page. "I'll get them in a minute. Please, Mitchie?" She sighed and looked over her shoulder into the kitchen and spotted a bag of unopened jellybeans on the counter. Weird, I'm pretty sure Mum didn't buy jellybeans when she went grocery shopping yesterday. "Hey, Poptart. Did you bring those jellybeans here from school?" She asked. Jake nodded and paused his game before taking his headphones off again and standing up. "My friend Alex had brought some and we made a bet that if he couldn't score a goal in the basketball game we were going to have a lunch with a bunch of other kids that I would get the bag. Guess, you can figure out how the game went," he explained as he walked over and picked up the bag.

"You shouldn't make bets. It could get you in trouble." Jake looked at her with a sceptical expression. "How would you know that? You've probably never even made a bet before." Michelle chuckled as she put her book down and sat up, "Okay then, let's see. I bet that you cant stuff that whole bag of jellybeans in your mouth. If I win, you can't play video games for the rest of the night and have to read a book with me." Jake groaned but then looked at her with challenging eyes. "If I win you have to admit to me how you feel about Peter." Ohhhh noOO this boy didn't go there. WOW are you gonna be sorry you said that. This kid, I swear..

They stared each other down for a minute before Michelle stretched out her hand. "Deal." Jake shook her hand and sat down on the floor, ripping open the jellybean bag. Michelle stared with a confident grin as she watched him start to pour the bag into his mouth. As soon as he started Jake seemed to realise something Michelle had as soon as she proposed the bet; there were a LOT of jellybeans in the packet, and there was no way that Jake would be able to fit them all. But, he didn't stop or admit defeat, he kept going, and was entertaining Michelle along the way, who was currently trying not to laugh her ass off.

Just as they started to spill out of Jake's mouth Michelle felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and still smiling from how stupid Jake looked she opened up her phone. Oh what has Parker done now? She opened the message and raised an eyebrow. 'Hey, what are you doing?' Okay...either he is bored or is leading up to saying he did something. Guess I'll just be honest. 'Reading. Watching Poptart trying to shove as many jellybeans into his mouth as possible. You?'

She looked back up from her phone and noticed how Jake resembled a fountain, with rainbows cascading down the sides of his face. Her phone vibrated again. Trying to go to sleep. 'Why is he shoving jellybeans into his mouth?' She typed back, saying, 'Cause I said he couldn't do it.' His response came back quickly and Michelle could feel his childish excitement. 'What flavour Jellybeans?' Boy what kind of question-

'I don't know, all of them you dork.' She quickly rolled her eyes before she looked back up and saw that Jake had clearly accepted defeat and was starting to slowly take them out so that he wouldn't choke. She looked back down to her phone and saw he had sent another message. 'What book are you reading?'  Man, what is this boy trying to do? Even if he is just trying to talk to me, I saw him at school today, he was exhausted. He needs to sleep. 'You know, if your trying to sleep Parker, texting me isn't going to speed that process up.'

Michelle felt a small pang of guilt, and thought that maybe she was being to harsh on him. I mean, he was just being really sweet and was just trying to talk to me. Man, this is confusing. Anyway, this doesnt matter, he still needs sleep. His response came back pretty fast. 'Okay, I'll leave you be. See you tomorrow.' Michelle smiled and felt satisfyed knowing that he was finally going to get some sleep. She quickly texted him 'Bye.', and got up from the couch and brought her book with her. It's pretty late. I might go to sleep too. 

Jake couldn't look her in the eyes as he started to put all the jellybeans away. "I'm going to bed. You should too. Dont worry about the bet, you actually did pretty well, even I couldnt have done it." Jake looked up at her with his puppy-like eyes and smiled, "Okay." Michelle ruffled his hair before she started to walk down the hall. Just as she got to her bed she yelled out, "I'm serious. Stop playing the game and go to bed. It's a school night!" He called back an "Okay!" before she shut her door.

She got into her pijamas and put her book on her nightstand before she climbed under her sheets, ready to go to bed for the night. Before she went to sleep though, she grabbed out her phone and opened up the video she had taken as school earlier that day. She smiled as the video started and saw Peter being lifelessly dragged across the floor towards the gym. As pathetic as he looks here, his sleepy face is adorable. She laughed softly as she watched him open his eyes in the video, eyes that were sullen and desperatly crying out for rest, and his cheeks turn slightly pink. Uhh, Parker. I seriously dont know what to do with you some times. 

A/N - Hey guys! Sorry it took a bit to get the chapter out, I've had a lot of exams in the past week and have been studying alot. But I still got it out.

I know that this chapter doesnt really further the plot in any way, I just thought that you guys would enjoy reading about Michelle's version of their conversation. Also, I'm feeling a little under-the-weather from all the stress from school, so my creative juices werent really flowing.

Defintely stay tuned for next weeks chapter though!

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