Chapter 9

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Author Note: After I posted the last chapter the new trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home came out, and I just wanted to say that this story is basically an alternate version of the real MCU, as the events that happen in this are my own story and plot from the point of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Everything that happens afterwards is my own story. ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY ENJOY!!!

Peter stepped into school the next morning, with a skip in his step and a smile on his face. His happy mood hadn't disappeared since the night before, when he hung out with Michelle and her younger brother. He had really enjoyed his time with them, and was hoping he would get another opportunity to hang out with them soon.

He was also cheerful because as promised, Michelle had texted him and told him her mother said she could go to school. Meaning he could see her today. He didn't know why exactly it was that he was getting so excited about seeing her, but he was just gonna roll with it.

He walked down the halls, smile still wide, and easily spotted Ned, waiting at their usual meeting spot beside his locker. "Hey Buddy," Peter said as he approached and opened his locker. Ned looked at him with raised brows. "Why are you so cheerful this morning?" Peter shrugged, still smiling. He didn't care if he looked weird, he just couldn't get it off his face, and he still had no idea why. "Just in a good mood," Peter replied.

"Well that doesn't make sense. Yesterday you were so on edge and worried about something, what's changed?" Ned said, still suspicious of Peters sudden change in behaviour. "Nothing much. Just had a good night I guess." Peter gathered his books for the day while talking, and when he had them all dropped them into his backpack.

"Sup, losers," A familiar voice said from behind him, causing Peter to turn and his smile to get even bigger, as impossible as that sounded. "MJ, you're back!" Ned said, smile as wide as Peters now, but when was this dude not smiling? "Yeah, I'm back." She smiled at both of them, a small one but it was a smile nonetheless.

"You are feeling better this morning?" Peter asked her as they all started to walk down the hall together. "Yeah, me and Jake both feel fine, thanks." She responded, sending him another small smile. "Wait, what happened with you and Jake?" Ned asked, showing Michelle how Peter was telling the truth about not telling anyone about what had happened.

Her smile disappeared. "Oh, our place got broken into while we were home the other night." Ned looked like he'd been shot. "Holy shit! Are you okay? What happened?" He sounded delirious. Peter remained silent, not wanting to say anything in case it would make Michelle uncomfortable. She waved her hand in the air, "Yeah, were both fine," She said, not explaining how they had actually both been injured by their intruder, but Peter understood why she would prefer to keep that information to herself.

"Spider-Man had showed up and stopped it," She said. Peter swallowed hard, and tried his best not to look at Ned, who was one of the few people who knew that he was actually Spider-Man. "How did Spider-Man know you're place was being broken into?" Ned said, suspicion clearly lining his tone. Peter mentally winced. "Well, I was on the phone with Peter when it happened, so Peter called in Mr Stark who sent Spider-Man. So Peter really stopped it I guess." Michelle said, not looking at Peter once. He couldn't even see her face.

Peter felt his cheeks get a bit hotter from what she said, but it disappeared as soon as he saw Ned's expression. "How lucky," Ned said. Ohhh I'm in trouble. Ned gave Peter a look that clearly said, 'We are gonna talk later' before he turned away and continued to walk down the hall, Peter and Michelle following suit. "What's he so worked up about?" Michelle whispered to Peter. I kept something from my best friend and now he's mad at me. "No idea."

They continued to walk through the school heading to their first class of the day. When they passed one of the many notice boards in the school Michelle paused. "Who put the decathlon posters up?" She asked, turning to look at the both of them. Peter shrugged, "You weren't here so I figured I would put it up for you. You know, so we can uh... get the word about the position out sooner," Peter said, ending it sounding more like a question than a statement.

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