Chapter 10

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"Well well well, look who we have here boys," said Bryan, the one Peter guessed was the leader. Each of them brought their guns closer to them and held them tightly. Peter quickly took note on how many guns were in the room and how much damage they could do, but because they are alien tech, it could be anything. "It's a little spider, messing in stuff he shouldn't be," said another. Peter rolled his eyes under his mask. "Look I know you guys are trying to be intimidating and all but you were clearly waiting for me so can we just hurry this up? Come on, guys. You pulled me out of school for this."

Many of them tightened their hands around their respective weapons, clearly surprised by Peter's unimpressed attitude. The one who called out Bryan's name earlier stepped forward. "Is that so, bug-boy? Well, as you can see, we have weapons and you have... oh! That's right! Nothing." Each of them laughed, and at the same time a little girls cry penetrated Peter's ears. He looked over to the hostages, and huddled in her fathers arms was a little girl, no more than eight years old. She had tears down her face and was clearly fearing for her life. Her father didn't look much better, desperately trying to comfort her while trying not to freak out himself.

Something about seeing this father and daughter, scared for their lives, made Peter want to stop these jerks even more so than before. Peter turned his head back slowly, and stared down their leader, his eyes focusing intently on him. "Alright, you've had your fun, now lets hurry this up, I'm a busy guy." Right as Peter finished his sentence the guy closest to him lifted his gun and went to fire, but Peter's spider-sense picked up on it before it happened, and in the blink of an eye, Peter shot a web out at the guy and grabbed the gun out of his hand, yanking it towards him before he picked it up and snapped it in half in one swift motion.

Every eye in the room widened, including Peter's. Woah, I've never done that before. Peter didn't know where his anger was generating from, but it was boiling up faster by the second. Getting hotter and hotter as Peter continued to think of how these guys have trapped a bunch of innocent people in an attempt to lure him here. These guys make me sick. What if one of these people was May? Each of these people are important and mean the world to someone else, someone who would be devastated to lose them because some guys on a power trip held them hostage.

Done playing games, Peter leaped forward and stood right in the middle of all them. They each reached for their guns and tried to shoot, but Peter was just too quick. Each time before they were about fire, the gun was ripped from their hands and flung out of reach. One by one they all became unarmed, each now trying to get the physical upper hand. They were all grunting, yelling and growling at him, but Peter remained calm, and easily overpowered each of them.

The whole thing unraveled in a matter of seconds, and before any of them could find their bearings, they were sitting on the floor, backs against each other, tied up in one of Peter's webs. Peter smiled triumphantly and all of the hostages cried out in joy as they knew they would be okay. "Awesome, now that you guys have been stopped and all these people are safe, I can go." about twenty police officers entered the room and held their own guns at the tied up men. "Thanks, Spider-Man," one officer said as he passed Peter. "No worries, I know you guys can take it from here. Hey," Peter said as he left the officers and approached the group of now freed hostages.

"You'll be okay from now," He said to all of them. Many came over and shook his hand. Some hugged him, and the little girl who had been crying grabbed his hand and stared up at him. Peter looked down at her. "Thank you, Mr Spider-Man. You're my hero," she said with tears of joy, smiling up at him. Peter felt himself blush at her adorableness, and had to hold himself back from pinching her cheeks. He bend down so he was level with her and smiled. "What's your name?" Peter asked her. "Emily," She said. Peter grabbed her hand. "Well, Emily you were very brave, do you know that?" She shook her head. "Of course you are. You're the bravest girl I know. Now go over to your father, and live a happy life, you got that?"

She nodded her head and smiled, and before she ran over to her father, she flung her arms around Peter's neck and gave him a squeeze, the strongest squeeze her little body could muster. After a moment she let go and went to her dad, who shook Peter's hand, before finally, now that this was over and done with, Peter left. He initially went in the direction of his school, but realised quickly that he would likely get in huge trouble for leaving, since he had been in the 'bathroom' for 30 minutes, so he instead decided to start his patrol hours early. I'll deal with it tomorrow...

He quickly perched himself atop a building roof and pulled out his phone, asking Ned to cover for him, saying he went home cause he felt sick, and briefly explained how he stopped the bank heist and was now just going to stay out. Ned thankfully agreed and said that he would see him and Peter's place later that afternoon. As Peter sat there, looking down at the city streets below him, he remembered his backpack. Most of the time Peter leaves it with Ned so that it will be at Peter's place, safe and sound when he gets home, so Peter decided he would go and fetch it.

He found his bag in no time and flung it over his shoulders, he would prefer to have it on him from now on, rather than leaving it out in the open where it could get stolen...again... The rest of his afternoon went by pretty quickly. He helped out where ever he could, such as stopping someone from stealing a car, helping an old lady get her cat out of a tree, stopping some kids from beating up another kid, saving a lady from getting hit by a car, stopping a frail looking boy from being mugged and also helping out this couple who were trying to get to the hospital, as the wife was in labour.

The taxi they were in had gotten stuck in traffic as there was an accident on the road, and the wife was in extreme pain. When Peter had just happened to pass them he asked the husband what was wrong, and offered to carry her to the hospital, as he could get her their in about five minutes if he ran with her in his arms, instead of it taking them likely an hour in the traffic. The husband agreed as he was starting to panic, and ran alongside Peter as they went. Peter comforted her and got her to the hospital in a mere few minutes.

It was definitely one for the books, but as the night started to sink in, and the busy life of the city started to quieten down, Peter knew it was time for him to head home. When he arrived at his apartment building he climbed in through his window. Ned was on his bed waiting for him. "Hey man," Peter said as he jumped down and flung of his mask. "Hey dude, how did the bank heist go?" Ned asked him. Peter shrugged. "Just a bunch of jerks looking for attention. I got there just in time though." Ned tossed Peter one of the shirts that was on his bed as Peter took of his suit, ready to be in comfy clothes for the rest of the night. 

They continued to talk for a while, and after eating started to play a video game in the living room as May went to bed early after a long day at work. As they were playing Peter's phone buzzed in his pocket. Out of habit he took it out immediately to see who it was, and was surprised to see Michelle's name on the screen. "MJ sent me a text," Peter said out loud. "Really? Well answer it then." Ned said back.

He didn't need to be told twice, so he opened the message to see what she had said. 'Hey, Parker. I noticed how you left for the bathroom earlier today and never came back. Ned said that you had felt sick but you looked fine to me just minutes before you left. Anyway, hope you're okay. Decathlon practice as been moved to tomorrow. Later loser.'

Peter didn't know why but his heart started to race. Was she suspicious of me and how I left so suddenly? Does she know about who I am? Or is she just concerned? In which case why would she be concerned?  Peter's head hurt. He quickly sent back an, 'I'm okay, no worries see you tomorrow' before he fell back in the couch, sighing heavily.

"What's up?" Ned asked, still focused on the screen. Peter shook his head. "Do you think MJ knows who I am?" Ned stopped playing and looked down at Peter. "Why? Did she say something?" Peter shook his head. "Not really." Ned went back to the game. "Nah, I don't think she knows about you, but their is definitely something about her that I know," he said with a mischievous smile. Peter perked his head up in curiosity. "What?" Ned laughed. "Oh, I'm not telling, that's something you have to figure out for yourself..."

A/N- Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think it is that Ned knows? Guess we'll find out soon...hehe

Anyway, hope you are all having a fantastic day and are enjoying the story so far.

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