Bonus Chapter

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Jake sat in his bedroom with his headphones on and his hands around his controller. Every night after dinner he went to his room and played video games until his eyes hurt and finally went to sleep, usually around 2am every morning. The only other person who knew that this was what he did with his nights was his best friend, Nick, and his sister. Tonight was no different to any other. He had dinner, spoke with his mum for a bit before he crawled away into his room, curled up on his bed and started playing.

He rubbed his eyes and could feel that sleep was started to tempt him from abandoning his game. He glanced at the clock. It's only 1:50, I can probably play for a little while longer. He yawned before looking back to his small TV screen propped up on his desk before continuing his game. It was a new release that had come out a few days ago, and Jake couldn't stop playing it. It was a game where you got to pick your favourite avenger and play as them during the battle of New York. Jake had wanted to play as Spider-Man, but unfortunately the game only had the original six avengers. So, Jake was playing as Iron Man.

I can't believe I got to meet Iron Man. He is so cool! He's a genius, a billionaire, he helps people who are in need, and he has the most awesome suit ever and saves the world... Well, Spider-Man's suit is my favourite but I do still really like Iron Man's. Jake smiled happily as he continued to kill aliens in the streets of New York. He played for another 20 minutes before he decided that it was late and that he should probably go to sleep. He slipped off his headphones, saved the game, and turned off the TV. He slid of the bottom of the bed where he had been sitting and felt his feet hit the cold floor beneath him. As he swallowed he noticed how thirsty he was.

He turned and walked towards his door before opening it and being greeted with darkness. He yawned as he walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water before he turned to walk back to his room. As he approached, he noticed the light under Michelle's door was still on. He paused and raised an eyebrow. What's she still doing up? He held the glass in one hand as he knocked on her door. "Mitchie? Are you awake?" He waited outside as he heard some shuffling and other sounds come from her room before she opened the door.

"Everything okay, Poptart?" She asked. Why does she always have to call me Poptart? I do have a name, you know? He nodded, "Yeah, I just came to get a glass of water and saw the light under your door. I just wanted to see if you were okay, I guess." She smiled at him, and he could see that she looked strangely awake for the time that it was. "Thanks, Poptart, but I'm alright. Just reading." Jake nodded and took a sip of his glass, while doing so he noticed that her bed had two indents on the sheet, like someone had sat on it. He didn't know how he noticed it but he thought it was odd, brushing it off as her having made both of them. 

"Okay, I'll go back to bed," he paused as he smiled, and couldn't help but say "Dream of books and Peter, Mitchie. I know you like him." Usually when he said these things she would get really mad at him or tell him to shut up, but he was surprised when he saw her actually get a little embarrassed. "Go to bed before I smack you over the head with a pillow, Poptart," she said after a moment. Ahh, there she is. He laughed mischievously before turning and walking back to his room, closing the door and crawling into bed. He finished the glass before laying down and after a moment he fell asleep.

When he woke up the next morning feeling strangely energized, he walked out to quickly go to the bathroom before seeing if his sister was awake yet. He loved it when she was still asleep cause he could annoy her by waking her up. To his disappointment her door was open and she wasn't inside, and judging by the fact that the house smelt like pancakes he guessed she had made breakfast. He walked out into the kitchen and found her at the table, eating some pancakes as she was reading her book. "Mornin' Mitchie," he said as he passed her to grab his own plate. "Hey," she said back.

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