Chapter 4

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When Michelle had walked into the room Peter stared at the young boy following her. When she had introduced him as her younger brother Peter was surprised. He never even knew Michelle had any siblings, but now that he looked at Jake it was impossible for him to not see the similarities. They had the same curly, untamed hair but Jakes was the same length as Peters. They had the exact same eyes, completely identical, from the shape to the folds of their eyelids to the colour. Their nose was the exact same as well. The only thing that was distinctly different about the two of them was that Jake had slightly darker skin than Michelle, hers a milk chocolate shade and his more dark chocolate.

Peter noticed that this was the first time he really took in all of Michelle's features, and thought it was weird that he had never done so before. Now that he thought about it, she was actually quite pretty. She had always seemed so different because everything about her was natural, but she had naturally good features, so did Jake. Peter could tell that Jake would have to fight off all the girls when he got older.

Peter snapped himself out of his thoughts and watched Michelle's interaction with her brother unfold. She told him to wait at the back of the room, and as he started to move Peter noticed he walked the same way as Michelle too. Stop thinking about all these things, it's getting weird. He smiled at Jake as he passed him and said hi, Ned did the same. Jake smiled at them both as he continued walking and sat down at the back of the room.

Michelle stood at the front of the room and stared everyone down, her gaze intimidating to anyone who witnessed it. "Right everyone," she started, drawing everyone's attention to her. "I set you a task and it should be complete. Let's see who has the best poster," she said lowly. Peter saw a few people squirm, mainly Flash. Peter would bet his own Spider-man suit that Flash didn't finish the poster.

They all reached into their bags and pulled out their respective posters, and Michelle spoke again as she started to walk around the room, inspecting each poster. "Since we have an opening we need to advertise our decathlon team, and we need to do that well. This school has many clubs, so we need to ensure that the poster we use stands out from the rest, and will grab peoples atte-" she stopped speaking as she reached Flash's desk, right in front of Ned and Peter's.

She looked down at Flash with a glare, but Peter could tell that she wasn't surprised. "Where is your poster?" One line. That's all it took for the 'super-cool and tough' Flash to flinch violently and look down at his desk afraid to meet her eyes. It was clear that he hadn't even started the poster, let alone finish it. Flash had every right to be scared of her. Peter smiled a little. Flash always treated him terribly, walking all over him, saying he was a liar about the Stark Internship and stuff, so it always felt good to see Flash squirm.

 But suddenly he lifted his head and smirked at Michelle. Uh oh, what's he doing now? Peter thought. Flash spoke with confidence when he said, "I did complete my poster actually, Team Captain. But Parker stole it." He turned in his seat and stared at Peter, still smiling, confident that Peter would have to suffer Michelle's wrath. Michelle didn't even look at Peter. "Uh huh."

She moved over to their desk and picked up Peters poster, still not staring at him. Peter felt uneasy. Is she going to yell at him? Will she believe Flash? Will she be disappointed in him? His mind was racing in the few seconds she took to glance over the supposed 'stolen' poster. She flipped it over and showed it to Flash. "You really think that I'll believe that you made this? You couldn't make something like this if you had a gun to your head, Flash." Everyone in the room made that 'oohhhhhh' sound as Michelle savagely annhiliated Flash's attempt at getting out of trouble. Ned was hitting Peters shoulder, "That was so cool!" he whispered. Peter nodded, staring at Michelle in awe, "She is seriously the best captain ever. Nothing gets past her," he whispered back, Ned agreeing with him as he too stared at their leader.

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