Just One More Week - Chapter One...

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Konnichiwa!!! Minna-san sorry it took me so long to update this story. I've been sooo busy blah blah blah. Don't need to tell you every detail of it.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Anyhoo... Dedicated to my Imouto Kaira better much known on her username as @FlamesxKeys :) she's simply the best :) and tbh I got the idea of having an affair on her story DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS . Hope you enjoy this :)





Just One More Week - Chapter One...

Five years later...

As the sun ray sneak on the transparent window, it slowly tip toed down on the spine of a certain pinkette together with a two fair fingers.

"Uhnm" Natsu Groaned as he opened his eyes, the first thing that his eyes looked for was the one who touches him while sleeping.

A smile crept on his face when he saw a porcelaine haired girl smiling to him.

"Hey babes" The ivory headed said seductively before giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"Good Morning Lisanna" Natsu said as he kissed her back.

"*sigh* i wish we could stay like this forever" the girl whose name was Lisanna said as she used his arms as a pillow and hugged him lightly.

"Yeah... I wish, but we can't" he said as he sigh deeply.

"Why'd you undergo on the marriage that early kase ee. Now we have to suffer like this" Lisanna said while pouting.

"I'm sorry. I was so young back then, I don't know what I was doing... and..."

"And?" Lisanna asked.

"*sigh* nothing" he said Lisanna then sit.

"Awww come on! Tell me" she said eagerly.

"*chuckles* fine. I never thought that I could met you" he said as he sit, stroking her powder like hair.

"Hmmm, you should have waited for me to come" she said while pouting.

"I know, I regret it, if only I knew I should have waited for you" he said as he hugged her.

" Natsu do you love me?" Lisanna asked.

"Uh, yeah why?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just ask." She said. "But... do you love your wife?" She asked.

"*chuckles* such a silly question---"

"Just answer it, do you love your wife?" She asked determine to know the answer.

"Why you asked?"

"Well, I just wanna know" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well... yes, before" he said, although he felt like there is a big lump on his throat while saying that. "But now? I don't think so"

"Hmmm, will she ask you where you went? And why you came home at this hour?" She asked.

"Her? Ask me? Don't kid me, she'll never do that, and If she would, then that would be a miracle" he said.

"Hmm, Natsu, If I were your wife I swear I will take care of you the way your wife didn't took care of you" Lisanna said as she hugged him tight.

"That so sweet, I wish you were my wife instead" he said kissing the top of her head.

"Ne, why you turn so cold to her?" She suddenly asked.

"Well, one day she suddenly became so aloof to me, and so the sparks are gone, the sparks that you made me feel again" he said.



"What why?"

"Why you ask so suddenly?" He asked.

"Oh , that? Well its just a guess, but... nevermind" she said.

"What? Tell me pretty please" he pleaded.



"*chuckles* so impatient love, well maybe the reason why she bacame so aloof to you is because she also have a lover" she said.

"Why wou---"

"Well its just a guess babe" she said " and if that theory was right, well don't you want it?"

"Want what?" He said grumpily, he can't imagine her wife cheating on his back. Well why would her wife cheat behind his back anyway?

"Your wife, having an affair. If my theory was right, then that only means that you don't love each other anymore. So... why don't you file a..."

"A what? Tell it straight to the point"

"*chuckles* its really fun to tease you love, you are so impatient. One of the reasons why I love you." She said.

"Well why don't you two file a divorcement? If my theory was right, then its win win right?"





So how was it? Comments are appreciated ;)

Sorry for the wrong grammars, ENGLISH wasn't my mother tongue so bear with me....

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