Just One More Week - Chapter Six...

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Just One More Week - Chapter Six...

'What is she sorry for?' He thought. He then suddenly felt unease for he felt that she's hiding something from him, but what could it that be? Her lover? But does she really have one? If does then who could that be?


3rd day of the week...

The two decided to go to the nearest Sakura tree park, after all, it's the Ohanami festival already. Lucy feeling excited watching the Sakura tree packed all the thinga they'll be needing for.

"Look Jagiya! We have so many pictures already!" She cried as she took another picture of them together.

"*chuckles* that's bacause you wanted to take selfie all day long." He said, "Now let me hold the camera" He said as he took it out of her hand and started to capture pictures of them.

Once they grew out of it, they decided to eat what the blonde prepared.

"Jagiya! Eat this." She said as she put a spoonful of rice in his bloated mouth and an eggroll.

"Hmmm~" he blurted as he raise his right thumb as if giving her a that's good.

"So??? How was it?" She still asked though she knows the answer already.

"It's good! It really is!" He muttered honestly, "Now try this" he said, giving her a California Macky.

"Hmm~~! I always knew that I was a great cook!" Lucy said confidenly while praising her own cooking skills.

"Yes! And that's definitely one of the reason why I loved you." He said, looking at her chocolate orbs sincerelu as if telling her to believe him.

"Jagiya..." she said, tearing up.

"Why? I'm just telling the truth." He said, she then shook her head repeatedly as she wiped her tears away.

"Nothing, I'm... I'm just soo happy." She said, "Look! The sakura looks so beautiful ne?" She added, looking at the sakura tree nearby as she lean to his shoulders.

"You're much beautiful than the Sakura tree--- no lemme change it. You're much beautiful than anything that in the universe... hun." He said honestly, he doesn't know why but he felt like he's heart were skipping a beat like the old times, but what could that be? Is he falling inlove with her again? His train of thoughts had been erased as he got transported back to the reality once he heard his wife sniffed.

"Why are you tearing up again?" He asked as he hugged her whole heartedly and kiss her on the forehead, "but honestly you look so cute with a tear on the eyes and your face flushed" he manage to joke that made her chuckle a bit.

"It's nothing, I'm just so happy that we are given a chance to have picnic here again. D-Do you still remember this place as much as I do Natsu?" She asked looking up at him.

"Of course! How could I forget such thing... this is the place we ... held our first aniversary." He said, mumbling the last four words he said.

"You remembered!" She blurted and lean on his shoulders again.

"Well... I don't plan and don'y intend to forget that in the first place." He said, "let's go here again sometimes." He added happily.

"W-We can't ..." she said sadly.

"W-Why? I thou----"

"Have you forgotten that this is the third day of the week I asked you? That just mean that we won't be coming here together anymore..." she said sadly, "You... You forgot it do you?" She asked.

"Well..." that, I actually forgot it and I don't intend to remember it if you hadn't let me remember it. Let's just stay like this... forever. He wanted to voice out but it's as if a big lump was on his throat and not letting him speak.


It's already midnight, and yet he doesn't know wht to do, he looked at his wife laying next to him, sleeping peacfully.

Why is he feeling that it's getting back to him again? He had think of it while they were on that Sakura park, but he got disturb in his mini thought that it just made him continue it again at this hour.

But! In just three days?! Three whole days with her! She made him fall in love with her again?! No! After all he still have Lisanna... Lisanna, speaking of which he hasn't contacted her for the last three days!

Quickly, he stood up and took his phone that he slip out of his JanSport bag and quickly went straight to the bathroom.

^hello?^ he heard his mistress's voice on the other line once he dialed her number and she answered it.

But why is it that he's not feeling the same way on what he feels for his wife lately? Why hasn't he feel the excitement like he used to before?

"Hey Lis---"

^baby! How are you?! Why hadn't you contacted me for the last three days? I missed you so much!^ she said happily.

"We're quite busy." He said which is true.

^What did the two of you do there?^ she asked.

"Well, nothing much, just go there, go here stuffs like a couple do." He said.

^*Sigh* just four more days and we will be together again, together forever!^ She squealed in delight.

"Yeah... Just four more days..." he said.

'Four more days, but why is that I feel sad that it's just four more days that is left between us?' He thought.

^eeep! I can't wait for that day to come!^ She shrieked on the other line.

"Uh... I-I'll hung up now, I'm tired." He said

"Hmm okay! I love you^ she said making some kissing sounds on the other line.

"U-Uh... Y-Yeah" he said before hunging up.

'Ugh! Why is it that I feel like I'm cheating behind Lucy's bac---- but I really am cheating behind her back right? But that is soo not the point! I promised her that It'll be just us, that means no communication outside this place for a week, not a call from a friend, a meeting, or even with Lisanna but just the two of us only, but Why do I feel like I'm betraying her?'

To be continued...

So yeah, here's another lame chapter I posted! Hope you enjoy :)

Anyhoo... I dedicated this to @Heart_Rhythm ;) for being such an amazing friend :)

Now time for me to sleep :)

Ally.ae out!


Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now