Just One More Week - Chapter Three

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Yo! Sorry for taking so long again, I just have the time to wrote this so yeah...

DedicatedTo:@-NaLuTheatear for being such an amazing friend, I miss you Thea-chan! We haven't talk in a while now, I know it's hard to be a high school student so I understand yah :)




Just One More Week - Chapter Three...

"Please... Just... One more week" she begged.

'Why would she beg for another week?' He thought 'Don't she want it? Us to get seperated already? That way she can go to whoever she wanted to go with. She can be with her lover already.'

'If she really have a lover.' a voice in his mind said.

'Oh, believe me she have.'

'How can you be so sure?'

'I just believe what Lisanna said.'

'Tss, have it your way though I like her to grow old with you. But if you decided to get seperated I can't do a thing because I'm a part of you.'

'You wanted to get out of your chain right? Then do her little favor after all that's the only thing she asked for' the voice said.

'What about Lis---'

'Oh forget about her for a week, as simple as that! After all it's just a week, after that you'll be with her already, whether I like it or not.'


"Natsu... that's the only thing that I could asked for... a-after that you're free again... F-Free to be with someone else that you wanted to be with."

"*sigh* fine, I'll agree after all it's just a week." Natsu said.

"R-Really?" Lucy asked as tears swell on her eyes once more.

"Yes, why? Don't you want me to agree in the first place?" Natsu asked, observing if she's just faking the pleading or not, but a a minutr passed it turns out real for him... and he thinks its weird.

"N-No! That's not what I meant. Anyways the favor will start tomorrow" Lucy said


"Please" she plead casting her adorable puppy eyes, and when she does that even though he doesn't wanted to admit it, he couldn't resist her.

"*sigh* fine"

"Yes! Then let's pack our things" Lucy said as she took out a trolly bag out of nowhere.

"Huh? Why? Can't you just be a normal housewife for the rest of the week and I'll do the same?" Natsu asked.

"This..." she said, looking down with a solemn eyes, "This will be the last week that we will be together, I-I wanted this to be special and this will be the last memory that I wanted with you. After that you won't see me anymore... so please... just go with the flow" she said looking straight in his eyes.

"*sigh* Where are we going?" Natsu asked indicating that he already agree on what she wanted.

"Just to the place I really wanted to go back..." She said as pink shades appeared on her cheeks.


"To our hometown..." she said, "To Magnolia" she said, her eyes gleaming in happiness.

"Hmm, that's cool"

"And oh please, just the two of us ne? No business, no cellphone or any gadgets... Just a camera so that we could take pictures" she said.


"If you're thinking about our business, I'll tell you it'll be fine. And I *sniff* wanted my last week with you to be memorable right, so how could it be memorable if you're on business every minute we have?" She said sadly.

'Why is she saying that?' He thought.

'Who knows' the voice on his head said.

"Just... pack your things and I'll do the same on mine" he said.

"Uhn~" she said happily, though he find her weird.


"I-I'll just go in the bathroom ah" he excused himself and headed to their bathroom.

When he's already inside the bathroom he quickly took his phone out of his pocket and dialed his mistress's number.

^Hey baby! Missed me already?^ the ivory headed voice was to be heard on the other line.

"Yes, but that's not the reason why I called you" he wheezed.

^hmm, what is it? And what's with the tone?^ Lisanna asked worriedly on the other line.


"She agree in the divorce---"

^really?! I mean That's great---^

"Let me finish first..."

^Oh okay...^

"She asked for one last favor"

^and that is?^

"To be my wife for one more week. I agree because It's just a week. But... in that week we can't see each other and we won't have any communications because she asked me not to bring any other gadgets than a camera, but I'll try to bring my phone and call you once in a while"

^is that the only thing she asked from you?^

"Yeah, after that I'm already free to be with you and live with each other---"

^I'm cool with it. After all that's the only thing she asked for. A week. Ooops! Gotta go baby I have my pictorial na eh bye bye baby, I love you.^ she said making a kiss sound.

"Me too, I love you" he said as he hung up.

He then went back to their room after his conversation with his mistress.

"Let's go already"


So how was it? Comments are very much appreciated :D please comment something that can inspire me to update fast...

English wasn't my mother tongue so expect some grammatical errors and typo errors here.


Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now