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DedicatedTo:@TheFirstMaster for always being there with me :) and you don't really have to "po" me , it feels like I'm so old or something xD

Loves you Ja-Chan :))


"... and by the power of our God almighty, I now pronounce you husband and wife" said the priest.

"You may now kiss the bride" thats the only thing that the pinkette wants to hear at this moment, slowly he raised the veil of his blonde bride who is now officially his wife, a smile was plastered on both's face.

"I love you" he said sincerely and slowly lean on her until they lips touched , he is now kissing his lovely wife gently and with full of respect, and later on their kiss turn into a passionate one.

"I really love you, you Just made me the happiest man alive Luce--- I mean, Mrs.Natsu Dragneel" he said that made the blonde tear up "oh? Why?"

"I-I Just can't believe it Natsu" Lucy said while wiping her tears before smiling to her now husband.

"what can't you believe hun?" Natsu asked confusedly.

"That I am now officially Mrs.Natsu Dragneel. I hold that record now, and no one will took it away from me. I love you so much hun" she said as she wrapped her arms on his shoulder.

"*chuckles* well you should really believe it from now on, no one could ever supress us now, I love you too hun" Natsu said before giving her another passionate kiss...

Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now