Just One More Week - Chapter Nine...

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Chapter nine! Waaah I never thought I've got in this part already :3

Dedicated to: jxmini :) thanks for being my friend Angie-chan :)



Just One More Week - Chapter Nine...

6TH day of the week...

"Jagiya! Let'a go out!" Lucy said to her pinkette husband who's now watching television.

"Huh?! I thought you said to me not to go outside and you're the only one who can, you even locked me up in the house and now you're telling me to go out with you? And not only that, you wanted us to go out in the middle of the night?!" He retorted but chuckling a bit, his focused on the television didn't lose and kept watching Sofia the First... nah, just kidding, he's Barbie... and again just kidding, he's watching Harry Potter the Prisoner of Azkaban. (Waaaaahhh any Harry Potter fan out there?! Kaway kaway!!)

"Let's just go out and quit whining, unless you don't want to see my surprise for you."  She said that made him shift his attention to her, his eyes then turn wide when he saw her wearing the white dress he bought for her as his wedding gift for her before. And it seems brand new when it's not.

"L-Luce..." he called her, he's so speechless to see his wife as beautiful as ever.

"Let's go now... Jagiya." She said sweetly as she gently tugged him to the backdoor.

When they were already outside, Natsu saw a tent near the shore, a candlelit dinner for two was set and a soft music that is lingering on his ears is to be heard somewhere.

"So this what she's been up all day? Hmm that's the reason why she hasn't let me out and locked me up, so that I wouldn't know what she's up to." He thought as he felt his heart beating fast and felt touched.

"Well... what do you think?" Lucy asked happily.

"Arigato hun..." Natsu said as he pull her into tight hug. He then lead her to the table and pull the chair for her to seat.

"Look, I've cook your favorite. Chicken Teriyaki and steak, eto... that's the main reason why I ask you and lockes you inside, so that you wouldn't smell it." She said giving him the food she prepared.

While in the middle of their eating session, Natsu suddenly hear their theme song out of no where, Following what his instict said, he stand up and offer her his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asked as she accepted his hand.

"Of course." She said, smiling warmly.

First Love - Boy II Men/Utada Hikaru (BIIM for the lyrics I'll be giving up Utada for the video)
Click the video on the right side.

the last kiss we shared,
Tasted like a wine
sweet and bitter like,
our memories
And I long for you to,
come right back to me

"You still remember this song?" Lucy asked, "It's our theme song." She said leaning on his broad chest.

tomorrow the time will be the same as today
nothing goes on in my heart except your memories
where will you be, and who will you think of...!

Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now