Just One More Week - Chapter Four

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Minna-san! Waaah! Let's celebrate! We're 4th place in the speech choir! Waaaah! All our hardwork for that was sooo worth it! Though it leaves me cough, cold and a  hoarse voice :/ but the heck! WHo cares as long as we took the 4th place~~~ mehehehe! I updated so that you guys would know it coz you know I've been telling about our speech choir for million times :D

Anyhoo, less talk I dedicated this to @NaLuPrincessClare for being such an awesome friend ;) I'm really glad that you became a part of my friends Clare-chan :) you're one aswesome girl :) keep up all your good works ne? Je T'aime :*



Just One More Week - Chapter Four...

"Why you wanted to go here any way?" Natsu asked once they already settled down on their resthouse in Magnolia.

"I just wanted to. Now let's go to sleep. It's pretty late already. We still have a lot of things to do tomorrow! It'll be a big day!" Lucy said as she lie down on the bed, Natsu was about to exit the room when his blonde wife called him using their endearment.




"We're supposed to sleep together! Tsk Tsk, have you forgotten about it?" She said.

"Ah, oh yeah. Sorry, I was just so tired" he excused, he then lie next to her as she hugged him tightly.

"Jagiya... Aishiteru" Lucy murmured before she drool to sleep.

And by what She just told him before she sets off to dream land made his heart beats fast. Not even Lisanna could make him feel that way as fast as she could. But instead of paying attention to it, he decided to  just shrugged it off and started to sleep, after all she said tomorrow will be a big day.


First Day of  the Week...

"Jagiya~ Wake up! We're going to the lake! And go fishing!" The blonde headed cried that made thr pinkette shot his eyes wide open.

"W-What time is it?" He asked yawning as he try to  woken his sleeping senses.

"9:37 jagiya! So get up!" Lucy cried full of energy.

"Hmmm, ten more minutes. Or can't we just go fishing tomorrow? I still wanted to sleep." He said, closing his eyes again as he raised the comforter up on his head.

"No! *sigh* have you forgotten? I-It'll be our last week as a married couple. A-And I don't want to waste any day of it" she said dreary.

There it sinked in him, this was the first day of the week she asked for!

Quickly, he sit on their bed,"Fine, I'll just go get a quick bath" he said, standing up and started to walk to the bathroom"s way.

"Jagiya, Aishiteru" Lucy said before he closed the bathroom's door completely.



"Oh! Jagiya! Help me with this!" A certain blonde was to be seen in the lake yelling to her pinkette husband, she was having a tug-of-war of her life with the fish she caught with her fishing rod.

"Aye!" Natsu said while giggling as he wrapped his arns around her waist and held the fishing rod (can you imagine it? C: ). When they alteady pulled  the fishing rod with all they might, their eyes popped out open when they saw that the fish they're strugglibg to catch was just six inches long.

"What?! The fish we caught was just this?!" Natsu retorted as he heard Lucy chuckle a bit as tears swell from her eyes.

"W-What's wrong?" He asked when he saw tears run off her chocolate orbs.

"I-It's nothing. It's just that I'm soo happy, I'm so happy that we went fishing again on this lake. I-I never thought that we could do this again." Lucy said as she wiped her tears.

"Hey Jagiya, don't you think that it's like deja vu? What happened in this whole fishing trip happened to us when we're still teen, and right here in this spot, you asked me to be your *sniff* girl---" she said not finishing what she's saying when she broke down and looked at the lake solemnly.

"*sigh* It's so great to have something like that as a memory" she said.

"Does she treasure those?" He thought.

Then out of no where, he hugged her from the back that made the blonde flinched.

"N-Natsu..." she called but he just tighten his arms around her.

To be honest, he doesn't know why he's doing that, his instict just told him to do so and since he's that obidient he followed.

"*sigh* let's go back home. I-It's getting late" Lucy said as she stands up, she then offered her hamds to him so that he could stand.

"Uhn~" he said while smiling

When they're already at the rest house, Lucy headed straight to the bathroom, she said she's gonna take a bath for she's feeling sticky because of the sweat.

When she came out, she seems to be having a hard time to breath but when he asked her if she's alright she said that she's fine and there is nothing for him to worry about. She's just tired of what happened for the day.

He let it passed for he knows that she's easy to get tired but why is he feeling unease around his gut?


Lucy has been so sad for the past chapters now it's time to make some fluff in this book :) and also I don't want you guys to go depressed thinking on how this story flows xD

Though to be honest writing this new entry was quite hard coz I feel like I'm just making it confusing...

Anyhoo! I have a favor to ask guys could you please support this book of mine by voting at @AnimeWattyAwards on category Fairy Tail on January 2 - Febuary 2, 2015, yeah I know that it's s long before te start of the poll and there's also alot of Fairy Tail authors that I need to compete with but that was fun for me coz I'd get the chance on competing with them :) but still please support me *bows repeatedly*

If you're wondering what Jagiya means, it's a korean word uses as an endearment, it maybe use as hun, darling etc.

Emglish wasn't my mother tongue so bare with my grammars, spelling and everything.

And oh! ©to Mashima sensei :)


Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now