Just One More Week - Chapter Five...

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Konbanwa minna-san sorry for the lateness, i was about to update last night but my onee-chan ask me to make her assignment because i joked that I'll make it and she take it seriously, then the remaining time of my night, i decided to just read the book Para sa mga Broken Hearted it's a FILIpino novel and a great book :)

Dedicated to my Loyal fan :) @MirajaneHime hehehe Ilysm you know :) i'm so glad I found someone like you :)

Enjoy :)


Just One More Week - Chapter Five...

2nd day of the week...

Lucy woke her husband with a gleeful smile plastered on her angelic face.

"Jagiya! Wake up! Lets go to the amusement park!" She yelled happily, excitement filled her voice.

"Gimme five minutes" Natsu said with a husky voice.

"No more five minutes! Get up! Quit being a lazy bone." She retorted.

"Okay, Just let me take a bath." He said groggily as he rubbed his drowsy eyes, he's been up all night for he's worried at her for an unknown reason.

He then stand up and walk towards the bathroom like a drunkard.

"Jagiya, Aishiteru" he heard her say even before he could close the bathroom door, and believe me he felt mice racing on his chest.


"Kyaaaaaa~ Jagiya! Lets ride the roller coaster!" Lucy yelled once they're already at the amusement park, she was pointing to the said ride like a child.

"You know I can't stand that thing right? Or have you forgotten?" He asked as he looked at her quite offended that she actually forgot.


"A-Aye! Gomene! I forgot" she said looking at her left but then she looked at him again in just mere seconds with a glistening eyes.

"What?" He asked, when she looked at him like that he knew that she'll ask something.

"Just go get that Hello Kitty for me" she said pointing to the place she just looked up to.

Following her pointing fingers, he saw a hello Kitty stall not so far to them.

"But you have like millions of that in our house! And I swear our house looks like a Hello Kitty museum or Hello Kitty shop!" Natsu cried unbelievably.

"I... just wanted some remembrance for the day." She said before sighing deeply, "Fine, if you don't want to then lets just go" she said, smiling bitterly, though she really wanted the said stuffed toy so badly.

Taking one last glance to the Hello Kitty, she sigh once more before turning her back off it.

"*sigh* lets go" he said as he grabbed her wrist and dragges her to the opposite way she's been trailing to.

"But Natsu--"

"Don't you want it or not?" He asked that made her smile.

"I do want it" she said happily and dragged him.

"How much is that kitty cat?" He asked the lady in the stall.

"First of all, it's Hello Kitty, second Hello Kitty is not a cat---"


"And Lastly, it's not for sale."the lady said.

"What?! Then why bother display it if it's not for sale?" He retorted.

"Well that's because you need to win it by taking those cans out by throwing balls." She said. "And three balls cost a hundred jewels" she said.

"Okay gimme the three balls" he said.

"Ganbatte Jagiya." Lucy cheered her husband.

When he threw the first two balls, he didn't get a luck to succeed, but on his last ball, he aimed for the bottle that made him manage to knock them all.

"Congratulations sir, here's your Hello Kitty" said the girl and handed te stuffed toy to her which he handed as well to his lovely wife.

"Arigato Jagiya" she said as she hugged the Hello Kitty.

"Just to make you Happy" he said, messing her golden locks while the latter just blush.

"Aww, such a cute couple, say when will the wedding?" The lady asked.

"Actually, we're already married to each other. About five years now" Lucy said, smiling brightly, though her eyes looked clouded.

"Oh my... really?"

"Uhn~ Goodbye we should probably go" she said as he dragged the pinkette to the ferris wheel's way.

When they we're already inside at the said ride, it stopped right exactly when they were on the top.

"I-I'm scared" Lucy muttered in fear.

"You wanted to ride this right?" He said, "Come here and I'll make youbfeel safe" he said as pull her into a tight hug. A minute later he heard a faint sob near his chest .

"O-Oh? W-Why are you crying all of a sudden?" he asked rubbing her back.

"Well isn't it *sob* wonderful? We are here, in this amusement park again, just like the old times. And this was the place where we held our first date." She said.

"The reason why I really love Hello Kitty was because that's the first gift you've ever gave me on our first date. And right here, exactly in this Ferris Wheel, we officially became together." She said while sobbing.

Yes, he does remember all of those memories, but what makes him wonder is that why is she telling this to him? Does she really treasure all of it?

"Oh! The Ferris wheel is taking us down again. Lets go home after this. I'm tired" Lucy said hugging the Hello Kitty tightly.

When they were already at the resthouse, they just lie on the bed, no one's talking, they were contented to look at the ceiling and lie to each other's side comfortably.

"Ne, Natsu..." Lucy called as she yawn, she then hugged him and bury her head on his neck.


"I'm sorry."


What is she sorry for? Find out in the next chapter ;)

Sorry for the lame entry ne? And please don't whine that every chapter have cliffhanger, of course every chapter will have cliffhangers for this is a series :)


Comments are necessary ;)
Me will talk Java man! Me wants to read comments that will help me update faster! (Okay i'm trying hard -.-)


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