Just One More Week - FINAL CHAPTER

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Last Day of the Week...

When Natsu woke up, he felt weird for again Lucy hasn't woke him, he looked to his right where her wife is, he wanted to smile to see her sleeping peacefully...

"Lucy..." he called her sweetly as he gently caress her cheeks, but he drew his hand out of her because she was as cold as ice. There he shivered in fear, "This isn't true right? I WAS JUST DREAMING!" He thought.

"Luce... Luce?!! LUCE?!!" He called, shooking ber violently but the latter didn't budge.

Trembling, he put his index and middle finger on her neck but he felt no pulse. Quickly he carried her bridal style and drove to the nearest hospital, within Ten minutes he's already at the entrace but those ten minutes was like eternity for him.

"Please! Help me!!!!" He shouted at the entrace as tears stream down on his eyes, "Oh this can't be happening!" He thought, a bed strecher then came to them so he put her to it.

"Luce... It'll be alright! You'll be okay! Please wake up for me." He said, following the strecher, but then it suddenly stopped.

"She's already dead sir, I'm sorry but It seems that she's been dead for an hour now. You're too late." Said one of the doctor in sympathy as he patted the pinkette's back.

"N-NO! N-NO! You can't be serious. Lucy! W-Wake *sniff* up." He said in a broken voice but he hear no response to the blonde.

"What doctors are you? *sobs* S-Save her!" He shouted.

"We wanted to but the thing is you brought us a dead person sir." The doctor said.

"If you can't then I will!" He said as he opened her mouth and gave her CPR but it didn't work.

"Luce! C-Come on! W-Wake up!" He begged her while stammering.

"H-Hun, P-Please." He said sobbing over her dead body.

"Please sir, accept it. She already reached her limit, just like the book, it's already the end. It's over." Said one of the nurse that made him broke in his knees.



It's been all over a week since she died, and aince that day his life became so dull.

Looking over the projected picture of them on the screen, his eyes were caught when he saw a video in there, the video looks like it's been recorded when she asked her to go to the city.

Missing her so badly, she played the video, hoping that she'll tell everything to him. Lucy was to be seen on the screen, sitting at their bed.

"Hello Jagiya! Are you good? I hope you are." Lucy said on the video with a bright smile.

"Luce? Why'd you leave me?" Natsu asked Lucy from the video, tears treathen to fall off his eyes.

"Hmmm, I'm sure that once you see this video I am no longer here, I-I'm gone." She whimpered, "And when I say I'm gone, I mean it literally. *sniff* I-I don't want to say the "D" word for whenever I think of it, it's hurting me because of the thought of leaving you behind." She said, her tears stream down on her fluffy cheeks.

"T-Then why'd *sniff* you leave me hun?" He asked, tears streaming out his eyes as well.

"I'm so glad that you agreed to be my husband for one more week hun, *sniff* and thank you for making me feel love within those days we've been together alone... e-eventhough I knew that you have a... mistress." She said, wiping her tears with the tissue she's holding.

Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now