Just One More Week - Chapter Two

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Yo! I'm really sorry if it took me 16394639202648204483643302027 years to update this T.T same reasons why. We've been practicing our speech choir at 5 o'clock in the afternoon till 7 o'clock in the evening then I have to commute from school to my home and it takes 30 minutes till I can finally reach my home. So yeah I don't really have time to type something, but this week since our competition will be on November 12, 2014 we need to practice 5-8:00 T.T
Plus my groupmates on my class was always relying to me and to my senpai all the time and that was insane! What if we are not in there(if ever) what will happen to them?!

Mehehehe anyhoo I'm just telling you what's happening on the school here xD, lets proceed on the story now :D

DedicatedTo:@anielladragneelluis for being an awesome friend ! She's my very first friend here on wattpad! Please check her out. She's the person that won't make you feel awkward :D


Just One More Week Chapter Two...

"Oh, you are home early. And what I mean on early is that you literally came home early in the morning." A certain blonde said in a calm tone yet a bid of anger was noticable in her voice.

"Don't scold me, I'm tired" Natsu said coldly as he went straight to their bedroom.

"I'm not scolding you! I'm just---"

"Stop it Luce! I don'w wanna argue with you!" He said that tamed her. Tears swell on her chocolate orbs that made him quite feel guilty.

"*sigh* you know how our business works right Luce. I... I'm tired because there's a lot of work that is needed to be done in this week" he said half lying about it. But the latter didn't response isntead he heard her sniffed.

"Luce..." he called, but she just looked at him straightly on his eyes, he can't read her for her eyes were dull.

"Tell me" Lucy whispered coldly in a crack voice but since they were the only person in their house and there is this silence between them he heard what she said so clearly.

"T-Tell you what?" He asked out of confusion, somehow he felt nervous by her cold voice.

"Tss, don't play dumb on me Natsu, you know what I'm talking about" she said wiping the tears that has been forming on her eyes.

"You'll think I'll ask you if I know what you're talking about?!" He asked. Note the sarcasm.

"N-Natsu... I-I'm *sobs* not as dense as *sobs* y-you think *sobs* I am. O-Of course *sobs* I-I can feel it..."

"Feel what?"


"Hey don't cuss woman!" He yelled.

"*sigh* tell me what's wrong with me Natsu" she asked as tears formed on her chocolate orbs once more.

"T-There is nothing wrong with you H-Hun" he said, shattering when he used their endearment for the first time for the last six months.

"*sigh* Natsu... could you please be honest to me... please" Lucy saidp and when she didn't hear a response she proceeded.

"N-Natsu... D-Do you *sniff* still love *sobs* me?" She asked that caught him off guard.

Do he still love her?

Probably not. He wouldn't get a mistress if ever he feels the same for her right?


"Natsu, if you still love me, then please tell me. And tell me what's wrong so that we could fix this... but if not, please tell it to me as well. I want an honest answer because I don't want you to feed me lies" she said, seeing his wife cry in front of him males his heart tore intp pieces. He wanted to say he still loves her, but what she asked from him was the truth and that wasn't the truth.

She wanted the truth and only the truth, no lies. And now he'll tell her what's the truth and his intentions.

"*sigh* Luce... spending Five whole years with you was so---"

"Please tell me if you still love me or not straightly, and don't make me suffer for more" she pleaded, "just a simple yes or no will answer my question" she added.

"N-No, I-I don't... I don't love you anymore" he said in a low voice but loud enough for the blonde to hear.

"O-Oh... T-Then *sniff* w-why didn't you *sobs* tell me *sniff* earlier? D-Do you really *sobs* want me to *sniff* figure it out on *sobs* m-my own and *sniff* asked you about it?" She asked, her cheek that was stained with tears was now flushed.

"Luce... I-I'm sorry. I-I really am. I-I tried to love you again like the way I used to love you years ago, but I can't. You see the sparks are gone" he said, but the latter just continue to sob on the edge of the bed in despair.

"Luce... since it's not working for us anymore... *sigh* lets divorce" he said that made the blonde looked at him, pain was written all over her eyes and face.

"I-Is that really what you w-wanted?" She asked in a broken voice while he just looked away.

"I'm asking you!" She yelled.

"Y-Yes! That's what I wanted to! Ou heard it right! Lets divorce!" He yelled though he felt a big lump om his throat while sayinh those words.

Lucy on the other hand just smiled at him bitterly as tears kept on falling off her eyes, even if she wiped it over and over again, tears were still Streaming down off her eyes.

"I-If that's what you *sobs* wanted. T-Then I-I'll *sobs* agree with you" she said.

see! Lisanna was right she also have a lover! Maybe what she'd let you see was just an act... a pure act Shouted his sub-concious to him.

"T-Thank you very much for the five years Natsu. T-Thank *sobs* you" she said, "but do you mind of I ask you a little favor?"

"W-What is it?"

"Please let me be your wife for one more week. Please... Just... One more... Week"


How was it minna? Comments are very apreciated (please don't comment update! I wanted to read comments that can inspiree to update fast CX)

Sorry for the wrong grammar, typos and everything! I don't really have much time to proofread so yeah...


Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now