Just One More Week - Chapter Eight...

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Yow supp minna-san!!! Miss me? Well I wanted to say that...
Yeassssshhhhh it's finally Christmas break! I can update freely from now own, oh btw this is not an update CX yesh I love teasing you... i just titled this as Chapter eight so that you woud know my author's note! Geez lots of people here don't read authors note that they can't read what I just said and now they'll ask me -.- anyway I'm here to entertain some questions! and please read this so that you guys that wanted to ask me the same question all over again, just read this so that you'll know my answer.

Question #1
What does Jagiya mean?
-it's a korean word which means honey.

Question #2
Why'd you use jagiya instead of it's english word?
-well I find it way much kyoot(cute) to say and to hear than honey.

Question #3
Please tell me it was written in purpose. :)) because this is korean! Just for my peace of mind. Huhuhu. - @Key_asses
- are you referring to Jagiya? If yes, yes it was written on purpose coz just like I said above i found it kyoot.

Question #4
What does Jagiya Aishiteru mean? I have a guess what it could mean, but I want to know exactly. - @Igohi13
-Really? what's your guess? Tell me pretty please. Btw it means "Honey, I love you."

Question #5
You are so cruel for making many cliffhangers... -@AsissejJessica8
-Is this even a question? I Dunno but I wanted to answer this :) well hun all of the stories especially when it's by chapters were all cliffhangers because it's still on going :)

Question #6
Ally-chan~ why are you so cute??
-well I was born this way CX

Oh please don't mind Q#6 i just made that up ;)

To those I answered rudely before I extremely sorry! Okay I admit I'm bipolar! So please just understand me :)

And guys! I made a facebook page! I know all of you has facebook, so just like it :) there you can interact with me and know my updates :)
Here's the link:

And again I'm sorry I lied, this is a chapter xD I just really wanted you guys to read authors note so yeah...

Dedicated to: @blueceilo hihihi Claudia-chan~ imysm ::) wanna talk to you for moar agaim ;)

Anyhoo please enjoy :)


Just One More Week - Chapter Eight...

Natsu shot his eyes open, the first thing that his eyes looked for is Lucy but the said blonde is nowhere to be seen in their four cornered room.


He then turn his head to the side table to see what time is it already.

"1:37 pm" he thought to himself.

"Luce..." he called as he got up from the bed, "that's strange... she usually wakes me up, but why hasn't she wakes me now?" He asked hinself but later on answers his own question.

Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now