Just One More Week - Chapter Seven...

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Good evening everyone! Wohhooo! Anyone miss the saddest nalu story written ever? (CAN I CLAIM THAT? :)) hehehe, anyway, I miss to write this so yeah another crappy entry which I am not ashamed to let you guys read ;)

DedicatedTo:@Golden_Heart_ yo Eryka-chan! Thanks for being friends with me ne? I hope you'll love this story :)


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4th day of the week...

"Jagiya~" Lucy called hyperly to her sleepig husband.

"Hmm?" Natsu groan as he turn to the other side of the bed.

"*chuckles* Come on! You've been sleeping for amost a day! It's a quarter after four in the afternoom already, you'll be wasting the fourth day if you won't get up!" She said that made him shot his dozy eyes, but them a grin plastered in his face once he saw his wife.

"Why are smiling like a fish? Come on! Get up!" Lucy retorted.

"Sorry I woke up late hun. And again I'm sorry, even if I wanted to spend the rest of the day with you I can't." He said that made her look disappointed.

"But you promised me that we'll spend the whole week together and now you're saying that you can't spend the whole day with me no let me scratch it, the rest of the day because you already waste half a day and now you're about to waste the rest." She said while pouting.

"Yes, Yes I know wht I promised but..."

"But what?" She asked not looking at him.

"I can't stand up." He said that made her look at him worriedly.

"Huh? Why? What's wrong? Tell me?" She asked, the disappointed look on her face disappear as it change into a worried look.

"*chuckles* I-I don't know! I just can't." He said.

"Eh? Why? Oh how can I make you stand?" She asked.

"It seems that the only thing that can make me stand was a good morning kiss from my lovely wife." He said in a gleeful tone that made her look relieved as her face brightens but later on her expression turn into a frown.

"Why? Can I not ask my lovely wife for a kiss?" He asked, but when she didn't answered, "oh, okay. It's fine if you won't---" he then felt a soft lips crushed in his. As they parted, he saw her with this teary eyes again.

"Idiot! First of all you can! You can ask for a kiss! And second, that is so not a good morning kiss, coz it's already afternoon!" She said, wiping the tears that sprout on her eyes.

"Shh, now don't cry... I just want to feel the tender love of my lovely wife through kiss." He said as he sit up and hugged her.

"Uhn~, let's go at the back." She said happily as she kissed him once more.

"Why? Are you tired to go---"

"Tired? Nu-uh mister, we can't go far at this moment because it's almost evening, so let's just take a walk at the seashore." She said.

"Hmm, that's a great Idea. We'll go after I get a real quick bath, wait for me ne?" He said as he walk to the bathroom's way.

"Jagiya, Aishiteru." She said sweetly.

Just One More Week... • NaLu • |1st Place in AnimeWattyAwards|Where stories live. Discover now