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Thanks, Strawberry

IT has been 2 weeks since I became a trainee and it has been 2 weeks since I am with friends with the boys. Since I and the girls have different schedules, sometimes their meal time is ahead of me or sometimes later than mine. So every Mondays and Saturdays I am eating with the girls and the rest of the remaining days in a week, I am with the boys, more like with, Bang Chan, Minho and Jeong In or Hana or Yeoreum sometimes.

During our weekly evaluation, I did my best and it turns out well according to our mentor. It is just my vocals sometimes is not stable. My dancing skills are fine too but at rapping I am not good at it. During my recording yesterday, my voice sounds good. But my mentor said, it has to be not just good, but excellent. And I can't hit high notes confidently because unbalanced vocal.

Today is Sunday, my schedule is just vocalizing at 7 am and after an hour will be the resting hours. Back to vocal practice with other trainees at 5 pm and 6 pm will be my dance cover practices together with the girls and on 7 pm will be my dinner and I am glad I will not be alone because I am going to be with Yeoreum. It supposed to I, Hana and Yeoreum. But Hana is out for something.

"Uhmm, (Y/N)." I looked at Yeoreum who just called me. "yes?"

"I can't eat with you later. My mother asked me to go home later and excuse me for this day on the entertainment which JYP allowed." She said with a fair smile. "it's okay with you?"

"No. It is alright, Yereoum."

"You won't be alone since the boys are there for you." She said chuckling.

"Tss." I quirked up the corner of my mouth. "I'll go now, (Y/n) take care." She said and gave me a hug.

"You too." I said and she completely go out of our room.

I have 9 hours to rest or to do what I wanted to do. What to do? Yeoreum and Stacey are not at the dorm right now. Hana is out for something, doing photoshots for Dazed Korea Magazine? I've heard it from Yeoreum. Wu Cai Jing must be having a dance valuations right now. Jin Hee ? I don't know.

My phone suddenly rings and saw Jin Hee's name. It's Sunday today and phones are allowed. Submits on Monday and will get back at Friday.

"hello unnie?"

"Aish, don't call me unnie! It makes me so old." I can imagine her sulking face. I just laughed at her and clears my throat to change my tone.

"Okay JinHee-yah, What is it?"I said it with a sweet voice.

"Wanna come with me?"


"At the mall. Let's stroll and relax." That's great.

"Okay. But where are you? Why are you calling? "

"That's why I'm calling, you locked our room. The keys are there and I can't get in." I widen my eyes when I saw the door knob is locked. I laugh loudly and open the door, seeing her standing with a poker face.


Strolling the mall with her isn't boring. She keeps on talking about stuffs and I'm just there who listens at her. We've been walking around for almost 2 hours and we have decided to chill at the café. Did I mention that she likes coffee? Especially the latte and flat white.

"You've been there for two hours nodding, chuckling, and doing nothing. Can't you talk to me too?" She frowned at me and sipped her latte.

"What do you want to hear?" she rolled her eyes heavenward and gulped before speaking.

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