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Who Do You Like?


Today is the first practice for the preparation of upcoming Spectrum Dance fest. The dance choreographers said that we'll be dancing with Twice Mina and Momo and Got7's Yugyeom and JB. However, we are not practicing with them today because of their schedule. So it is the 10 of us here today. And JYP might visit later and asked what we had for today.

"The music lasts for 10 minutes and we already planned and arrange when you will be entering and when will you be exiting..." The choreographer said and then Ms. lia spoke after him.

"So the 10 of you will dance on the first 3 minutes. In order to finish this quick and we could polish right away for a perfect performance I need your 100 percent attention and potency. Let's start now, shall we?"

"Ne!" All of us shout.

The practice started with the stretching and it is led by the two choreographers. I am standing in front with Minho, next to him is HyunJin then Cai Jing and at the back are other trainees. We are one arm apart so we could move with enough space.

While doing toe touches, I felt Minho's glances at me so I spit a quick stare and I saw him smiled. Dang! This guy!

Instead, I ignored him and look forward. I tried stopping myself from smiling but still ending up having curved lips.

The stretching ended after 20 minutes and we stand still to watch the demo of our dance when HyunJin came to me and handed me a bottle of water, with poker face.

Wow! What is this? Is he not mad now? Or is he planning something to bully me?

I am hesitating to get or not, there must be a replacement for this.

"You'll get it or not?" I get the water from him and drink it since I'm thirsty too. After drinking, he stay beside me and didn't bother to look or talk.

"Thanks." I mumbled enough to let him hear.

"What 'thanks'? There's a pay for that!" as expected for HyunJin. I just rolled my eyes but a smile on my face too. At least after how many days, he's talking to me now. I wonder what the hell his problem with me was last days.

"Then what is it?" I stared at him and quirked up my mouth.

"Treat me a lunch, today." Tss. This childish.

"Alright...."He smiled from ear to ear and I just chuckled.

If that's the way of him to forgive me for what the heck I've done wrong to him, I'll do it. I just can't understand why he didn't talk to me and then now he's asking me to treat his a lunch like we don't have concern at each other these past few days.

I looked forward and the music starts, Ms. lia and her partner starts to move with rhythm in their body. We need to observe so we'll get to familiarize. I glued my eyes to them while dancing when I heard the HyunJin spoke.

"And eat lunch with me..." I didn't look at him and I stay still watching the dance, but somehow I am fairly smiling.

I guess we're okay whatever misunderstanding was happened.

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