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What does the heart wants?


I was sitting alone inside the cafeteria with my coffee for two hours already and I don't mind missing my next schedule for no reason. I just wanted to have some time alone, to think.

I was scared that we'll get in trouble after what Stacey did to Seolhyang but fortunately we didn't get to call by JYP or even by staffs. I guess those girls doesn't want to get in trouble too. However, the rumor has been bugging me these days so I called Jisung last night, just an excuse to have a confirmation about it.

"I am expecting your call since the rumors has been already spread."

" it true?" I asked but few more seconds of silence before he responded.

"Yes..." I could hear the grief in his voice. So it's true.

I just bite my lips and didn't move to say any longer.

"The situation...No... We're okay. Just don't mind us anymore. Okay? I'll hang up now—"

"No! Tell me. I've been the cause of everything that is currently happening. Tell me exactly what is happening so I can find a way to help you all."

"I insist. You must be out of this. I don't want you to get in trouble anymore."

"But Jisung..."

"Please, Y/n. We can do this. We can get through this, alright? Please don't worry." I keep my mouth shut and feel nothing but guilt.

"Take care always." He said before ending the call.

After calling Jisung, I feel more concerned about them. He didn't let me know their exact situation at the present but after confirming JYP's pending decision for their debut, I got a feeling that it became worse and I must take the responsibility for it. For the reason that, it was me who started everything that's happening now and will happen soon.

Just what I've assumed, I missed my schedule and the remaining 20 minutes of my one hour sched, I waste it finding Miss Yoon. Luckily, I found her right away, she was at the staffs' office.

"What brings you here?"

"May I talk to you?" Her face was hesitating in confuse but then she gives me a nod.

We walked to a vacant room where no one else could see us or hear us.

"You said you'll help me right?"

"Yes. Why is that?"

"Please. Tell me what is exactly happening why JYP is cancelling their debut."

"Y/n..." Her face gave me a saddened expression but it doesn't stop me from getting an information from her.

"Please, Miss Yoon. I cannot just stay still and let myself drown in anxiety. Please help me out of it." I begged. She looked down and sighed.

She turns around and massage her temples while I remain patient to hear her answer.

"Jisung asked me not to tell everything to you but...I can't also watch them going down because I know. You're the only one person who can fix it." She bites her lips and sighed heavily again.

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