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Chapter 22

Second Warn

Your Point of View.

Today is Sunday and I have no class to attend since there's no practice until Tuesday. The SDF will be on next Saturday so we will resume our practice on Wednesday afternoon.

For today's schedule has only five appointments, 7 am will be my vocal lessons or vocalizing stuff then 8 am to 4 pm has no slots maybe I'll be roaming mall or eat somewhere with Jin Hee or Yeoreum maybe, or Hana if she has no modelling agenda today. Then on 5pm will be my vocal lessons again then Dance cover practices then dinner, and vocal lessons again and bedtime. So I have like four vocal lessons today and 1 dance cover practices.

It's 6:30 am right now. I skipped my breakfast and I just finished taking a warm half bath and dressing up so I'll be heading to my vocal lesson.

As I entered the room, I saw four girls only and plus me, we would be five inside the room. It's like this, every Sunday morning, it's just us. So we would only be learning how to play piano or sing.

"Good morning" I greeted as I entered the room and sat beside someone who I'm still not familiar with.

They greeted me back with a smile. A minute after, the vocal mentor went inside the room and greeted us, we stood up give back the greetings.

"So now girls, I'll teach you a new piece."

After attending my vocal lessons, I went back inside my dorm and texted the three girls to eat lunch with me later and stroll somewhere. And yeeet! Cellphones are back every week ends.

Within a minute, they texted me back. They said, they can but Jinhee can't stay longer since she has to go somewhere else. I replied, "okay. 12 sharp at the lobby."

I put my phone on my bed and let my drowsiness take me to sleep.


"I'm going to go out for a while, gotta buy something outside." Hyunjin announced but boys seemed to give no care since they are busy playing, composing, listening to music, inside of their hideout, except Bangchan.


"Mall." Hyunjin brought his jacket with him and went out of the room.

Jisung asked as he noticed the door slams. "Why is he rush?" Bangchan just shrugged and continue writing lyrics on his notebook.

Jeongin decided to get milk inside of the fridge when she notices a familiar vertical pink container. He gets it out of the fridge and raised in front of the members.

"Is this (Y/n)'s tumbler?" Everyone in the room looks at his hands as they heard her name mentioned.

"Is that really hers?" Woojin asked.

"Why would it be here?" Changbin followed.

"It's hers. I've seen it during our practices." Felix answered.

"I've never seen this in here before neither at inside our rooms." Jeongin stated.

"So did she went inside here?" Jisung snapped and stop from composing lyrics.

"How come would she get in here, Jisung?" Changbin replied smirking. Felix remained silent but can't deny that he is guilty hearing them. He's guilty because he once had a talk with (Y/N) inside their hideout.

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