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For The First Time In A While.

Third Person Point Of View.

"Mogi-ya, where are—?" Jisung asked him on the other line after he answered the call.

"Aish! Don't call me like that!"

"Why?! Why not?!"

"Just don't. I don't like it."

"But you let Y/n calls you "Mogi"! You're so unfair!" Changbin tittered at the sulky tone of his friend.

"I'm already entering the building. I'll hang up now." He ended the call without waiting for Jisung's response anymore.

Happily, he walks with Jeongin while bringing the 3 boxes of pizza and 2 buckets of friend chicken, bought for the post celebration of Y/n's birthday. They were the ones who the boys asked to buy since they lost from the game called rock paper scissor.

Before thoroughly they could make a way to their lair, they saw Miss Yoon with her crossing arms, standing near the door.

They jerked for a second but pull themselves together as fast as they can and greeted her.

"Good evening, Miss Yoon."

"What's are those?"

"Ah, these?" Changbin raised the boxes a bit. "Pizza and fried chicken. Snacks for later." He said.

She stared at Jeongin who is rather uncomfortable of her startling presence, but manage to reason steadily.

"Ah Y-yes... The boys asked us to buy for our snacks later since we have nothing to do anymore later." She inclines her head to him.

"Okay. Just make sure that is the reason only." She calmly said and stared right into their eyes.

Abruptly, the door from their hideout opened and expose Bangchan. The lady shifted her sight to him but didn't express any emotions.

The leader gestured the boys to get inside and closed the door before placing his attention to the lady in front of her. He sighed in annoyance and get hold of her hands suddenly, tugging her to the safest place where no one else could see them.

He let go of her hands, with his furrowed brows. "What were you doing down there? Are you spying us?!" She didn't answer him and Bangchan continued to ask her.

"Aren't you going to stop making things hard for me? And now you're doing the same thing for boys? We thought you're the person we could trust the most? What is this now? You're gonna tell JYP everything you see?"

She was gritting her teeth and bravely met his gaze, "You want to know why? Because it's my duty. To do what's best fo—"

"Damn that duty of yours!" The lady in front of her jolted by his sudden growl. "It's always been always a hindrance to me." He said as his voice lowers.

"What?" Her lips shiver and eyes started to watered, out of irritation of what he mumbles. "Hindrance? For you it is. But...But this work is making me a living and you don't understand! You don't understand me. Ever since."

"Yoon Hyera! If I don't understand you, why did I let you go, eung? What are you still working here if I don't understand you?" The girl looks down and bite her lips, sensing the guilt that pinned in her heart.

"But, have you once also consider my side?" He scoffed and shook his head. "I don't even know why out of the employees here you're the one who assigned to be one of our managers? It's...kinda unfair."

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