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Win or Lose

Third Person Point of View.

Jisung is playing their playstation at their hideout, he was chilling not until Changbin went inside their hideout and reminds him of recording today. He almost forgot, their recording for 3racha's mixtape is today and they can't be late. They turned off everything and walked to recording studio.

" Where's Chan-hyung?" Jisung asked.

"IDK, haven't seen him. Maybe he's already there." Changbin replied.

As they both get inside of the RS, they spotted Bangchan talking with the producer already. Changbin spit a glance at Jisung and told him "Told ya"

"Hello Pd-nim." They greeted the producer.

"Hello. So I was talking with Bangchan for a minute, you know, you and the boys can handle producing, composing and stuffs especially you three..."

"Aye Pd-nim! You're flattering us." Changbin said with his hands on his chest dramatically flatters.

"one day you'll be with your own hands but for now I'll be here to be give you some guidance. Alright?"

"Ofcourse! You're a great producer we look up to."

"Aye Changbin-ssi! You're flattering me!" The producer copied Changbin's dramatic style earlier and can't help but to chuckle. "But it's true, Pd-nim. You're awesome."

"Oh! Another one, You're flattering me more Jisung-ssi!" Again their chuckles echoed inside the RS. "Enough now, Jisung get in." pd-nim alters his mood suddenly and it was just hilarious for their eyes so they can't help to laugh again.

"I-I don't think I ca-can be serious right n-now." Jisung says trying to catch his breath as he went inside the soundproof room.

"Hahaha! We'll just wait outside, PD-Nim."

"Y-Yes Hahaha!"

They go out to clear the comical atmosphere inside the RS because if not, their recording might not go well. Then as they took a seat outside, they still talk about Pd-nim's sudden change of mood which is very funny for them. When Bangchan suddenly remember his copy which he forgot inside their room.

"I'll be back, I forgot my part." Bangchan told Changbin who just moved his head from left to right.

Changbin calms down and stares into his copy. He started to practice his part to be recorded after Jisung. Suddenly a familiar voice heard along the hallway, his mouth automatically formed a curve when she saw someone who he expects to see.

"Hey (Y/n). what's up?" He smiled at her.

Damn! I'm smiling like an idiot now!

As soon as he realizes, he minimizes his smile, wishing not to look idiot in front of (Y/n).

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she sit beside Changbin and his heart is undoubtedly beating crazily.

(Y/n) notices he's holding a paper so she leans closer to him "And what is that?" Changbin took the chance to looked at her closely, deeply staring on to her detailed face, from her eye brows to her lips. He is mesmerized.

Unconsciously, (y/n) pull herself away from him without being aware of his gazes. Then Changbin immediately pull his self together and clears his throat before he speaks.

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