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Birthday Revelations

She was staring deeply onwards when she felt a vibration on her skin, indicating a message from her phone. She opened it and saw a message from Jinhee in their group chat.

Jinhee: Guys, the staffs told me to inform you all that we should pack up our things inside the dorm because we're transferring to another room. All things should be ready before 9.

Then the girls replied.

Yeoreum: Yeah a staff informed me too so I told Hana and Cai Jing and Y/n.
Cai Jing:
Yep. We already did it.
How about Stacey?
Opps, I forgot to tell her.
Stace! Sorry!

And again, reading their chats made her feelings worsen.

It seems like they don't even care at me at all. She thought.

Stacey: It's fine. I'm just going to pack my things later.
Jinhee: No, Stace. Do it now. Don't procrastinate anymore. You were the only who haven't fix your things here yet. It's almost 9.

"Procrastinate, my butt. I've been only here for 30 minutes. I need another 30 minutes, can't they give me that? "She mumbled and ignore their text message.

She wants to be alone and she wish nothing but to get through this sad day. She closes her eyes and feel the wind when she felt her phone vibrating again. She pulls out from her pocket. She rejects when she saw it's a call from Jinhee.

Jinhee calls her again and she rejects it again. It happens again and again so she decided to turn off the ringer. But Jinhee didn't stop from calling her until she decided to just answer the call for her to stop from bugging her.

"Stacey-ah? Why aren't you answering? Where are you?" Jinhee was waiting for her answer but she didn't speak.

"Ya! Why aren't answering me? Where are you?" Stacey remained silent.

"The staffs are here. They were looking for you. So wherever you are right now, you have to be here. Goodness! We got scolded because of you." Jinhee ended the call.

"Damn it! This is the worst birthday!" She can't stop herself from cursing because of the frustration feeling inside her, and even throws her phone.

After a split of second she realizes what she just did, "Damn." She looked at her broken phone and sighed deeply.

She doesn't have any choice but to go back inside their dorm, still unsatisfied by her unwinding time. She should stay longer but seems like it's her unlucky day today. However, as he gets nearer by their dorm, nervousness launches up in her system when she knew that staffs were there, waiting for her.

She opened the room slowly but wonders why the room is dark so she turns on the light.

All of a sudden she jolted because of the girls' screams as they surprised her.


And jolted again because of Yeoreum and Cai jing's party popper.

She then saw Jinhee holding a cake with two lighted candles on it, slowly walking towards her while singing a happy birthday song.

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