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The Answer To My Question

Your Point Of View

The second episode has been released since yesterday and just like what I expected, they spam me on my inbox and mention me frequently on the group chat, yet again I ignore them even if it's against my will. And earlier was Minho's birthday and i don't even know how to greet him since i'm avoiding them. Goodness. i feel bad about it, he might think i already forgot it or what. 

I hope i'll be able to overcome this.

I just had the time to watch this today and seeing them on screen makes me miss them even more. I hope they're not worrying about me just what Ms. Yoon and Jisung wanted.

I sighed and check the time on my phone and it's already 30 minutes passed 12. The girls are already in a deep sleep and might be dreaming already but I, still not in the mood to sleep.

I feel like I'm suffocated these days going in and out of the rooms inside the entertainment building only for a week, I suddenly wanted to have a fresh air, wanted to sightsee the nightsky but since I can't already get out of this building at this hour, I know a place where I could go right now, where I used to unwind, where I used to be with some of them.

I wear my jacket and beanie when my neck tilted and eyes stared directly at Stacey's mini ice cooler, suddenly had the guts to get the two canned beers left and put it on the pockets of my jacket. Nice, it's cold.

Last night I saw her drinking and got to know that they are hiding them inside of her cabinet. Beer is kind of her stress reliever I guess, so I hope it works for me too since I don't drink this much compared to her.

"I just need these, Stace. I'll just pay you." I whispered before completely going out of the room.

The nightwatcher must already checked the rooms already but I know a shortcut that will make a way to my destination, so there's no worry. I slowly walks upstairs using the fire exit and my feet brought me to the place I desired to be at right now.

As I opened my door the cold wind and the city lights greeted me right away.

"Haaa...." I stand still and spread my arms wide while closing my eyes and throw my head back before while I breathe out heavily. I opened my eyes and smile to the scenery on the rooftop.

Finally, even for a while, I feel free.

Walking to the bench to have a seat, I suddenly noticed someone standing near the railings, looking straight on the lights of the buildings. Since the lights are dim on his spot I can't identify who is he. He must be also a trainee so I didn't bother anymore and just relax on the bench, pulling out the beer from my jacket.

Opening the can made a sound but I guess he didn't hear me because he didn't look back, or maybe he just disregarded the noise. I started to take a drink and my face frowned because of how awful the taste of this beverage is. I studied the canned and saw the alcohol content, it's 12%.

My jaw dropped and eyes rounded, "How could she drink this always?" It tastes awful and not healthy.

I regret taking two, I should've left the other one. How could I think I can have finished these drinking them all? I might can't even walk back to our room after drinking this one. What a dumb move, Y/n.

I decided to gaze the beautiful scene of lights of the buildings so I walked near railings where someone is standing quite near me.

"Wah! It's really relaxing to look at." I mumbled and take a glance on the person, checking who it is, but still can't recognize him. He's stuck looking onward. He must be amazed by how beautiful the night lights are.

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