New Aperture

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The major difference between the old Aperture logo and the new one, was a colour scheme change, Chell noticed. Once a monotonous black, or white, was now a rainbow. "Is that creepier," Wheatley asked, "Or less so than the original one?" She nodded. "Thought so." They had made it past the security - well, lack thereof - and snuck back in through a stairwell hidden in the ground.
There had to be other exits, Reasoned Chell in the most reasonless and illogical place ever, I just never saw them. She continued on, Wheatley in her arms. The two peered over the broken glass of an office window. Turrets, moving about on their spindly legs, were patrolling - their red beam for preying on their target wildly darting around. Suddenly, one cast a glance in their direction, Chell instinctively ducking and bracing against the wall. The two watched the little scarlet dot, like a sniper's sight, dance on the wall before disappearing.
"That was close," Whispered Wheatley. Chell set out, her stealth mode active. Silently - one of the few advantages to not speaking - the duo stalked through old offices. They made it down corridors with little trouble, until they entered a large, dark room. "So, you're probably wondering what the plan is," Wheatley said, Chell holding him up to her eye level, "Well, I've got one - don't worry about it; this time, I have a cunning plan." Is it wrong for Chell to be concerned at this point? "Er, well, it's this: I know someone who can replace... her. Friend of mine. Well, cousin actually, but we're like brothers and people got us mixed up sometimes... But, anyways! He, er, was in hiding..." He trailed off. Wheatley gazed up, at somewhere behind Chell.

"Hello," Came that bitter, near emotionless, familiar female voice, "And again welcome to Aperture- Oh, you two really AREN'T welcome!"

"You..." Wheatley froze in horror. Chell, dreading the worst, turned slowly on her heel. There she was, her ugly image broadcast from a monitor.
"It's been a loooong time," Frigidly GLaDOS welcomed them, "But my tragedy hasn't ended I see."
The little sphere tried to make up an excuse, "Err... I forgot to clock out, heh, you know how important that is."
"Oh," GLaDOS chortled. Her machine laugh chilling both of them down to their very atoms. To Chell, it reminded her of videos where Alexa laughed to herself. But infinitely worse. "I fired you, remember?"
"That's if I hired you in the first place."
"Well. Then, consider us gone!" He nudged Chell, a signal that he wanted out. Agreeing with him, she turned back to the way out - back into the light of day.
"Not. So. Fast," GLaDOS raised a panel over their only exit. Chell looked back again, this time with an annoyed expression on her face. Again, GLaDOS chuckled; that deep rumbling which disturbed the force, "You're not going that easily. You think I didn't warn you? Never come back?"
"She let you go?!"
"Yes... Or did she not tell you that?"
"I take that as offence for her!" Wheatley pivoted his entire face in that somewhat owl like way to address Chell, "Um, do you take that as an offence...?" Chell gently shook her head. "Oh."
"Well done, hero," She mocked him. She made a movement like she were loosening her shoulders. "Right..." That yellow eye glared directly at Chell, "Let's get this over with."

Suddenly, the panel beneath Chell slipped from under her. "Oh dear!" Was all Wheatley could exclaim before he screamed as they plummeted.
Good thing I brought the boots, Thought Chell in mid-air. She braced for her landing, but forgot to calculate for Wheatley's mass. In somewhat noob style, her fingers came away from him, and he rolled across the floor.
"Ohh..." Dizzy from the roll, Wheatley frantically glanced around.
"Well, that - that was to be kind of expected. Err, I'm not making a brain damage reference, but... do you think some of it might be effecting your ability to catch?" Eventually, the sphere came to a halt, upside down, thanks to his frames, "Ohhh... goh... I mean, you can't catch me, and now you can barely hold on to me without the portal gun?" Chell crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry! P-please don't be mad at me...!" She sighed.
"Oh, she is..." Stole that GLaDOS's voice, "But, well, you won't be around for it." One of her claws was slipping between the cracks of the panels, high above them. Before Chell could reach, it snatched poor Wheatley up, and pulled him away.
He called to her, "Chell, you keep going - I'll be ok..." The panels engulfed him.

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