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Now, She thought to herself, Let's see what hardware that little idiot has. She slipped a claw through the material of the Core Containment Box. This material was a special mix that gave it the solidity of metal, the flexibility of liquids and the very unique ability to have objects safely pass through it. She carefully got the finger of her claw behind Wheatley's face panel, then pulled it off like it were nothing. She angled him to see in, then used the claw to grasp a cube structure in there. His CPU - his moronic brain - it's gotta be in here. Her claw wrenched the cube open, and she started digging. What. Are. You. Hiding? Her claw came across a motherboard. "Ah ha!" GLaDOS pulled. It didn't come out. Sh*t... She whipped her claw out, then glared in. Inside, there seemed to about four attachments to the motherboard, holding it in place. On further looking, she noticed that these were also hardware: extra motherboards. The only thing missing from these was a CPU; but the RAM, the hard drive, the graphics card, the battery and the miniature fans were there. What the-?! She tried to take one of them, but it was attached to the central motherboard set up. "Hmm..." She let it go, withdrew her claw and peered back in, "Why do you have four extra sets of hardware? It's not like you're a genius or anything-" That's when she realised, Your capacities... they outrank my own. She snorted. Well, technically she played audio of a human snorting she'd somehow recorded. Knowing that eased some of her annoyance - and anxiety...? Zooming in, hopeful of seeing some form of serial number or printed capacity, she saw a logo of some kind. Each of the four had a different one. "These aren't standard issue Aperture hardware... no, these look specialised." Slowly, it came to her.

She pulled out the claw, the cube automatically reattaching itself, then put the inner face panel back in. "Oh my god..." GLaDOS muttered as she sent the box back to the storage, "I... I can't believe it." But they're not all active... yet.

He could hear chatter from somewhere. Once his calibration software came online again, the chatter came from everywhere. Wheatley opened his eye, and immediately wished he hadn't. He was inside a cramped box, made of something transparent and blue. There are many more of these boxes, each holding another Core inside. With another shelf opposite him, the boxes were stacked far beyond the limits of his rendering software. All the Cores seemed just as uncomfortable as he felt in these tight, overcrowded shelves.

GLaDOS's sharp voice suddenly echoed throughout the room, "Ah, you're awake." Then, the box Wheatley was inside slid out, as a metal four toed claw on a rail grabbed hold of it. Wheatley gazed around, as far as he could, yet again seeing the shelves of these boxes infinitely stacked. Slowly, the box was wheeled long the rail, to his right, which he immediately knew would drag him straight to her lair. GLaDOS began to speak as he was pulled closer and closer, "Now. Do note, that I saw where you and that little mute girlfriend of yours went. That office: it's restricted to all employees. Even you, apparently, since you don't work here. Not a day's worth of pay, obviously, but still... slavery is just a cheap, convenient option. Humans love cheap, convenient options." She chuckled.
Oh no... Thought Wheatley, as he happened to spy a fresh load of turrets with movement capabilities patrolling the area around. These new "Striker" turrets, were being deployed all over the factory, as many pairs of their subtle clicking noises - the sound of their joints moving them - could be heard, echoing. Then, came the high pitched voices, and finally the pounding screech of bullets. Even the scream of metal plunging into metal.
GLaDOS continued her little speech, "So, I guess you've disobeyed me as a superior. Again." She played an ace, "Did I mention... that state Virgil is in? That would be my doing."

No... Wheatley gazed towards the direction of the lair. Outside, he was showing little emotion, but inside, he was panicked. Soon, a wall of panels emerged into his render distance. Starting at the base far down, they began to slid up, a violent clang ringing out with every shift. One by one, the lines of the panels ascended to the ceiling, revealing a huge entrance to the lair. Oh God, Wheatley thought to himself, as he was dragged into the lair. At first, GLaDOS wasn't facing him, but glanced over.
The sadistic AI wheel around and glared at him, "Well, well, well. This is amusing, don't you think?" Wheatley didn't dignify that with a response. "Malware got your metal tongue? Whatever. What you could say now won't change anything." She chortled, and sneered in a gravely voice, "I'm going to punish you."

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