Still Alive

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"Ok..." Wheatley watched the last canister explode, "Oh my god!" Inside the storage, which Chell could now see, was a mess. The various fluids were splattered along the walls, the floor, the ceiling high above - still glowing intensely. "Uhh... that- that probably hurt," He commented. But the petty revenge that still possessed Chell's mind made her ignore him. She didn't care either way.
Was all of that emotion first time a mere illusion? She picked Wheatley up, still gazing at the messy storage area. It glowed on, until finally fading as all the liquids merged into a dull grey.
"Well, that's our work here done," Commented Wheatley. "Not sure exactly what's going to happen now." From the lair, muffled by walls, a scream haunted the halls - screeching out to where they were. "That..." Chell plucked him the table viewing the storage room, leaving through the door out.

Yet what Chell nor Wheatley had noticed, was that the neutral grey of the fluids had began to turn into magenta. Without the trigger for it to do so, it swiftly returned to its drab colour.

The lights had returned to the corridors outside, where Chell could now see another door. She went over, nudged it open and came into the corridor before the roofed walkway towards GLaDOS's lair. "Er, so we-we're going right over," Wheatley muttered, mostly to himself because Chell wasn't listening, "R-right over there - what's the plan? Just go over there and, um, er, uhh, barge in and..."
"Oh, there you two are," The sharp voice of GLaDOS came, "I wonder what... mischief... you've been getting up to."
Ian floated in, "Hey, you two are ok!" He gazed to Wheatley, "What's this about mischief?"
Wheatley responded, "Ackabu!"
"Oh," Ian squinted, "So, err..."
"We didn't do anything!"
"You did!" GLaDOS scorned, "Whatever it was, it... it hurts! What the hell?"
Ian's expression became concerned, "Seriously, what did you do...?"
"I don't know!" Wheatley began, being carried as Chell made her way down the corridor, "Well, we have an idea, but... we don't know for sure."
GLaDOS's voice became louder as they neared, "Well, whatever it is, it... this hurts..." The door opened, and the three could see her - glaring in intense annoyance.
"So, err, what is the plan... Chell?" Wheatley worried, "Y-you do have a plan, um, right...?"

The three entered the lair, the door slamming shut behind them. "Mama mia, here we go again..." GLaDOS scoffed, "You never change it up, do you? Only violence is the answer to your mind."
"I'm not a moron!" Exclaimed Wheatley.
"I wasn't addressing you."
"Oh... Well, I still take that as offence."
GLaDOS feigned surprise, "Oh. Defending your mute little girlfriend, hm?"
Ian hovered a little nearer, "Yeah, that's right! Guy's a knight in shining armour."
"...That's just his stupid metal face!"
"Ohh, feisty," Ian locked gazes with her and made a smug expression, "If you were a dude, I'd be asking for your serial number right now." GLaDOS glared at him for a moment, more weirded out than angry.
Wheatley decided to rein him in, "Uh, Ian, we got bigger problems than your love life!"
Ian turned to Wheatley, "Geez... just because you got yours fixed doesn't mean-" At that moment, something thwacked Ian from behind.

"IAN!" Wheatley shouted as he and Chell watched Ian crash into the wall.
"I was getting bored... I'm no Neptunia villain, after all," GLaDOS disdainfully mentioned, "Well, anyways... let's do this. Whatever it is you have planned - if anything at all - it won't work."
"Yeah..." Wheatley started as Chell began to move, "What is the plan?!"
Ian pulled himself out the wall, and said, "I dunno what you two have done before - but she expects you to do that again."
"Probably just try to switch me out for - oh, I don't know - King Moron again?" GLaDOS spat, "Come up with something original!"
Ian looked to the duo, "What about me instead? Then you two can get outta here."
"I'm fine with that," Wheatley peered up to Chell, "You ok with that?" Chell nodded. She didn't really care if Ian took GLaDOS's place, as all she cared that GLaDOS suffered... and that Wheatley wasn't put in place again. Her trust in him needed to be built up again, after all. Wheatley called to Ian, "Well, get in the port! We'll push the button - Chell has hands... and, uh, the ability to move."
"Manipulate the poor human, you horrible core!" GLaDOS followed the duo heading to the button.
"I - I'm n-not horrible..."
Don't listen to her! Chell thought, and slowed as she reached the cuboid annex where the pedestal button is. She scanned around quickly, wanting to try to spot any traps before pressing the button. If I could only vocalise that... amongst other things.
"You are!" GLaDOS jeered, "You betrayed her. You should be punished."
Wheatley's voice weakened, "N-no... I - I don't want to manipulate her! Please don't punish me!"
Was it just Chell's imagination, or was GLaDOS's mechanical voice getting more bitter, "Oh? Did you only just figure that out."
"I - I figured that a while back... back off!" Wheatley snapping at GLaDOS made her a little uneasy. Sure, this wasn't directed at her, but he still sounded angry. That's when she looked down, just before pressing the button. His expression had changed into something clearly upset.
Yet GLaDOS continued to torment him, "You can't tell me to back off - you're the MORON who nearly destroy this whole damn factory!" She reeled back, and started making the noise of panting. Fortunately, with GLaDOS distracted, Ian had got himself in the port for switching.
He informed them, "Ok, I'm in the port!" A bit of a silence stole in. "...Err, that sounds a bit, um, wrong."
Keeping her cool, GLaDOS quipped, "I trust that guy, and even he's an idiot... must be a family trait."
I've had enough of this, Chell slammed her palm onto the button. She looked to the insane AI, biting her lip in anticipation.

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