Ian the Honesty Core

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Ahead, the long decommissioned Core Manufactory awaited. "Ummm, I think we're here now - oh, put me on that rail," Wheatley glanced to the rail above the walkway. Chell did, releasing him from the portal gun's hold. For a moment, he seemed to make a sad face before he looked forwards, "Ok, he's in the control room just ahead." She started walking along the walkway, high above and beside vast machinery. These machines appeared to be some sort of assembly line. She peered to Wheatley. "I think it's this little sticking out bit here - I, er, I don't really know." He shook his metal head, "I've never been here, I really don't remember being here."
That seemed strange to her, You weren't here...?
"It's... it's like - an instinct," He peered around at the machinery, "Definitely don't remember any of this - not at all." The little sphere glanced over to a particular machine that seemed to have pain inducing screwdrivers, "Uh! That- that's horrible! Ugh...!" The two arrived at the door to the control room's mini reception. The door had been removed, and lay inside. "Not exactly sure why he'd do that..." Commented Wheatley, "But, um, I guess it doesn't matter...?" Both of them could see the bullet holes in that door.
Who even is this person? Chell wondered as she stepped into the mini reception. There were desks, the computer components she was rather used to seeing abandoned were missing. Well, sphere person. She looked back to him, and immediately saw the problem.
"Oh, err, there's, uh, no rail access..." Wheatley peered through the door way at her, "But! I know there's another way. I just need to follow this. Stay there, I'll be a minute or two." With that, he moved out of her sight.

A few moments had passed. Wheatley hadn't come along the rail that went off into a corridor she could peer down. Just then, as her gaze slid by the room in front of her, she thought she saw his bright blue eye. When she had looked again, it had gone. This time, she focused on the room. Slowly, behind one of the desks, the metal forehead and blue eye peered over. Wheatley?! She watched the sphere, his piercing glare washing over her. But when she heard his voice, she knew this was not Wheatley.
The sphere floated, breaching the desk and demanding, "Who are you?!" He had an American accent - not that cute British one. "Huh? Who are you and how-" He gasped. "H-how...?" Appearing a bit shocked, he stammered for a moment before recovering, "How did you get that portal gun?" The sphere shook himself, as if shaking his head. "You won't answer me?"

Suddenly, a deadly gun descended from a spot in the ceiling. It aimed directly for her forehead, between her eyes. The sphere glared at her, "See you in hell, intruder!"

"IAN!" Yelled Wheatley, rushing into the room on the rail.
"Wheatley...?!" The other sphere looked to him, the confusion visible on his metal face.
Ian? Chell looked from one, to the other, then back again. If either of them at been floating in the air somehow, or upon that rail, she would barely be able to tell them apart. They both had big, bright blue eyes, the Aperture logo below them - Ian's the new rainbow one - and three black screws adorning their... cheek? The main difference was that Ian was floating, and Wheatley was not.
"Oh, wait..." Ian glanced to her, "Is she your girlfriend?"
Wheatley made a noise of confusion and stammered, "Wh-what? N-no... we, err, we came to rescue you!"
"Where have you been?!" He furiously glared to Wheatley, "It's. Been. Six. Years."
"Umm... sorry, err, little mishap."
"Oh... right..." He looked away from both of them, before addressing him and gazing to her, "Who's she?"
"She's a, err... a friend! That's right a..." He seemed indecisive, "A f-friend."
"Who's a girl," Even without lips, he smirked, "A human girl."
"Shut up!"
This is going nowhere.

From outside the office, a malicious, mechanical voice came like a chapel's toll, "There you are..."

"Uh oh!" Exclaimed Wheatley.
"Duck!" Yelled Ian, hiding behind a desk. Wheatley let go of the rail and flung himself into Chell. She fell over under his falling weight, and he landed next to her.
What the?! She gathered her bearings, crawling on the floor below the window, I didn't know you had THAT much affection for me... She heard the turrets begin to fire, the bullets firmly lodging themselves into the walls.
Wheatley peered at her nervously, and whispered, "I'm so sorry!" Suddenly, the glass of the window above shattered, showering them both in shards. "Oh no no no..." Chell carefully brushed the shards off, then noticed Ian. He had breached over the desk with a gun - a portal gun.
"Fly, little creeps, fly!" The sphere shouted as he shot portals out. He quickly flung them from where GLaDOS deployed them into the assembly line's machinery. After taking a round of them down, he glanced to them, "Do me a favour and go upstairs - the main switch for this place is there, go flip it!" He returned to flinging the turrets, and added, "And don't take six years to do it!"
"C'mon," Wheatley flicked his head towards the stairs, down the corridor with the rail. Quietly, she crawled behind the cover of the wall, got into a crouch and pulled him back. A second after realising that he was being dragged, he made a noise of fear: a frightened little squeak. That got her to stop for a moment, and it seemed the only thing she could hear was her breathing.

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